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Ary A

Joined Apr 16, 2021


Last activity Oct 22, 2021





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Ary A commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We recently implemented zendesk support as well (about 6 months now) and I am truly shocked that basic text formatting features are non existent. 

I attached a screenshot of an actual client message saying to "see my comments in red" and the only way is to see what the client was trying to highlight is to click on the "view original email" and open up the html view and see the colors. 

However when we responded to that/similar emails

  1. The color is lost from the original message the client sent so its really confusing to the client
  2. Since we can't respond to what the client highlighted in red with our own colors, we have to craft the response in a way that takes a looooooot more time. In a typical email/client communication platform that had basic text formatting features, we would have been able to respond to the ticket in less than half the time it did in zendesk since we have to summarize the email with the clients comments in red then add our own comments. The other option was to just respond outside of zendesk (our company uses gsuite so gmail) in a normal platform that has basic text editing features and just cc our zendesk support email. 

@nicole see my comments to your messages in red below (you can't so I made them bold) 

Hi all - 

Could you please provide some detailed examples of why you need colors and highlighting?To help emails to clients be easier to follow. What business problem does this solve for you? Making our business look more professional and up to date as basic color and text formatting in emails has been a staple since 2000. Additionally, sending emails that are formatted well with color shows our clients/customers that we are taking time to respond and there was thought put into how it was organized, making the email more personal. How impactful would it be? Extremely. How frequently would you use it? Everyday



@Stephanie - Certainly not far-fetched. But product managers have asked us to ask follow up questions and try to get details about use cases, as that information is helpful for them in understanding any unique implementations, how business critical the issue is, the scope and impact of it, whether it's a necessity or a "nice-to-have", etc. Do your product managers use gmail? I'm 100% sure they have/do, use that for reference.

Comments that are just "+1" or "I want this too" don't really help product managers, which is why we regularly encourage users to provide more information.Do we really need to explain why formatting colors in emails is important? Have you ever received a long email that addressed numerous topics? If your product managers can't figure out why that's important then...


This is zendesk text editor 


This is a very common email platform



I'm pretty sure zendesk is not going to do anything about this since

  1. This thread started almost 2 years ago (and there are a bunch of other threads talking about this) yet nothing happened 
  2. It takes months for a community manager to respond

I just wanted to let all the previous people to know that I share your frustrations.

For all future people who stumble across this, there is no hope for this to be implemented so just plan accordingly and move on.





View comment · Posted May 01, 2019 · Ary A





