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Chipper Digital

Joined Apr 16, 2021


Last activity Oct 22, 2021





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Chipper Digital commented,

Community comment Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

@... The solution I created does store that feedback in Zendesk as a 'private' comment to the article. You can see the solution here: Hope that helps!

View comment · Posted Mar 30, 2020 · Chipper Digital







Chipper Digital commented,

Community comment Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Exactly. That piece of code isn't exposed so I can't manipulate it. If I remember correctly, you might be able to redirect users to a feedback form, but it'll navigate the user away from the page. That was an alternative I was exploring before landing on the solution I shared.

View comment · Posted Feb 28, 2020 · Chipper Digital







Chipper Digital commented,

Community comment Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Unfortunately @... that's a Zendesk limitation. Currently, Zendesk doesn't allow comments on articles if a user is anonymous. Since my method leverages using the comment feature in Zendesk, it's not possible until Zendesk changes that.

View comment · Posted Feb 28, 2020 · Chipper Digital







Chipper Digital commented,

Community comment Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Thanks, Yeny! I use that too for my site now so it's good to see it work for others. 

View comment · Posted Jun 22, 2018 · Chipper Digital







Chipper Digital commented,

Community comment Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Just to help others, I believe there are two solutions:

  1. The first one solution was actually another community post: Request feedback after negative article vote (summarized from original thread). It's not quite what Joel posted, but it's a good way approach without having to hack around in code too much.
  2. Alternatively, I decided to see if I could replicate what Joel originally posted and I think I was to accomplish it or at least something relatively close. It's my workaround based on his workaround in comments except that my workaround would allow for public comments IF you want.  

If you are interested in solution 2, a couple of notes to keep in mind:

  • I haven't done any live, rigorous testing beyond some commenting in a sandbox
  • This requires commenting to be enabled for an article (however there is a coding workaround if you don't want comments for any articles at all)
  • This assumes that anonymous commenting is not a possible but if it does eventually, I'm sure the code can be modified to accommodate to make sure these comments 

Given all that, the solution I came up with was just to utilize the built-in commenting system of Zendesk by inserting an additional input box after the voting feature that appears after you click the Not Helpful icon and leveraging the Moderate Content feature to call out these feedback comments.

At a high-level, here's the workflow:

  1. Logged in user clicks on the thumbs down
  2. Once they do, an input box appears below the thumbs that asks, "How can we improve this article?"
  3. User types comment and clicks Submit. NOTE: If you are testing this, make sure you are leaving a comment as an end-user. IF you are leaving it as a manager or higher, it will automatically approve the feedback as an article comment.

  4. In the backend we append some text to his comment before actually submitting
  5. User sees this as a comment to the article, but optionally, it will set to disappear after a few seconds.
  6. Due to moderation settings, our filter recognizes the appended text as article feedback and pulls those comments for review. From what I found, you can enter a phrase so I just added the phrase, "we appreciate you voting and writing feedback", which is also part of the text I appended to the feedback.
  7. As an admin, you now can either: 1) approve the comment so it's now public 2) go to the actual article and convert the comment into a ticket or 3) note the feedback somewhere and delete the comment.

As I said before, this is just in my sandbox right now, so use the code below only after careful review. Also, happy to discuss what I did if anyone has questions. I probably added extraneous code that wasn't necessary, but some of it is in anticipation for anonymous commenting in the future and/or just being extra cautious.


Edit article_page.hbs (find "#with article" and edit the code accordingly) :

 {{#with article}}

{{t 'was_this_article_helpful'}}

{{vote 'up' role='radio' class='button article-vote article-vote-up'}}
{{vote 'down' role='radio' class='button article-vote article-vote-down'}}

{{vote 'label' class='article-vote-label'}}


{{#form 'comment' class='comment-form' id='vote-feedback'}}

How can we improve this article?

{{textarea 'body' rows='4'}}

{{input type='submit' name='submit' id='submit-button'}}



Edit style.css ( I just appended to the end):

/*hide vote feedback box*/
#vote-feedback {
display: none;
width: 70%;
/*style vote comment success message*/
.vote-comment-success {
text-align: center;
width: 50%;
margin: auto;
/*style vote comment success subtitle*/
.vote-comment-subtitle {
width: 75%;
margin: 0px auto;
/*style vote comment quoted message*/
.vote-comment-quote {
width: 75%;
margin: 0px auto 10px auto;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 3px;
background: #eee;
font-weight: 100;
font-style: italic;


Edit script.js ( added within the within the document ready function):

 //Show feedback box when No vote button clicked AND article noted as not helpful
$('.article-vote-down').click(function() {
if ($(this).attr('aria-selected') == "false") {
else {
//Change pending approval tag to more tailored message based off of identifying text set on article page
$('.comment-body:contains("We appreciate you voting and writing feedback")').parents('.comment-info').find('.comment-pending').html('

Feedback Submitted

//Remove feedback submissions from anonymous users which unfortunately means they do not see a success message. I actually do not know if they even have the option to leave comments
if (HelpCenter.user.role=="anonymous"){
$(function() {
$(".comment").filter(function() {
return $('section:contains("We appreciate you voting and writing feedback")', this).hasClass('comment-body');
//OPTIONAL: Remove ANY feedback submissions from appearing in comment section for end users, but briefly show receive success notification for your submission based off of identifying text set on article page. As agents and managers, this also allows you to convert the feedback into a ticket on the article's page by clicking the gear icon next to the pending comment since these submissions are visible to you.
if (HelpCenter.user.role=="end_user"){
var userid = $('div#user-menu').find('a:contains("My profile")').attr('href');
console.log(userid, "User Profile URL");
var commentauth = $('.comment-meta').find('a').attr('href');
console.log(commentauth, "Author Profile URL");
if ( userid === commentauth ) {
$(function() {
$(".comment").filter(function() {
return $('section:contains("We appreciate you voting and writing feedback")', this).hasClass('comment-body');
} else {
$("span.comment-pending").filter(function() {
$(this).closest('.comment').find('section:contains("We appreciate you voting and writing feedback")').remove();

View comment · Posted May 06, 2018 · Chipper Digital





