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Corey Gould

Joined Apr 16, 2021


Last activity Oct 22, 2021





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Corey Gould commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

+1 for this. our accounting department handles sensitive data that should only be visible to them in an organization with many groups. Currently, every other agent must be added to every other group to accommodate so they can access other support tickets should the need arise. Very clunky and difficult to maintain. 

Would be so much easier if I could just restrict anything assigned to the "Accounting" Group to those agents. 

View comment · Posted Dec 18, 2019 · Corey Gould







Corey Gould commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I would also love to be able to do this for a few reasons. 

1. I have an automation that looks for "On Hold" tickets that have not been updated in 48hrs and changes the status to "Open". The intent here is to force a review/followup from my team members with the appropriate party so we if any resolution has been made. I would like the automation to add a private note to the effect of "This ticket was automatically reopened due to..." so the agent can quickly identify the reason without having to click through to events and then need to understand how events work. I want to keep it as simple and inline as possible. 

2. I have a trigger that will change (via URL target) the Reply From address, so that I can force one support address per group. However, this interferes with the "Notify Requester of Received Request Trigger" sometimes along with other issues that have been brought up on the forums related to this. I would really like to be able to just assign a specific support address to each group natively so that, no matter what, replies send from a "Support" group come from support@, Technical Service from tech@, etc. regardless of what address the customer actually send to. 

3. Similarly to item 1, I have an trigger that looks for replies/updates to side conversations and reopens the ticket, again to force a review of it. (Because the system notifications are inadequate and really easy to miss). So I would be using this to add a private comment to the effect of "This ticket has been reopened because a side conversation has been updated".

Lastly, a lot of the comment here refer to a helpful instructional guide for using URL targets to do this, but the link (Link removed by the Zendesk Community Team. Post has been archived due to outdated information.) is no longer available and I would really like to see the instructions that have been seen by others as an effective workaround. 



To change the reply from address in #2 I have a HTTP JSON PUT target set up called "Update Zendesk Ticket".  On the trigger, I use the action Notify Target with a JSON Body of {"ticket": {"recipient": "email@domain"}}

What would the JSON Body code be to create a new private note? I imagine something to the effect of replacing "recipient with the correct attribute name.


View comment · Posted May 22, 2019 · Corey Gould





