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nick anderson

Joined Apr 15, 2021


Last activity Mar 21, 2023





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nick anderson commented,

CommentTicket basics

Matthias MiltenbergerNick Vincent-Maloney, Rob Mensching I feel your
pain, *deeply*.

For technical people these changes seem to make everything worse. I
opened a support case in relation to the behavior of pasting markdown
that includes code blocks. The response (after nearly a month) was to
amend the documentation to indicate that "If you paste Markdown text
with code blocks or nested lists, the format is not automatically
carried over into the ticket composer."

It's not just formatting not automatically carried over, in my testing
it mangles it injecting paragraph tags. As far as I can tell the *only*
way to insert a code block is to *manually* type the backticks. This
multiplies the number of actions required to post a response by 5 times
the number of code blocks in the response!

- Select text to paste before any code block ( I would have had to
  select all so this one is a freebie)
- Manually insert code block
- Switch to other editor, select content within code block and copy
- Move back inside the newly inserted code block and paste
- Move back to the other editor, select content following the code block
  until the next code block and copy
- Paste after the inserted code block

This is a huge impact and introduces significant room for human error
for a simple copy and paste operation. It's /common/ that our responses
have at least two code blocks in a single response, so that's 10 extra
actions! It's not uncommon to have as many as 6 depending on the depth
of the question.

I guess the comment API
has support for HTML body plausibly I could leverage org-babel to
facilitate exporting content to html and posting via the API which might
be a better workflow for me personally, but it leaves anyone using
markdown in other systems to painstakingly go through their documents
carefully copy and pasting sections at a time.

I really fail to understand for whom this magical paste hijacking
improved things for. Mom and Pop pizza shop could just use the rich text
editor. Technical folk wanting markdown could use that and press a
button to preview (or introduce a live preview pane). Who is that middle
person that wanted to use /some/ markdown and avoid a button?

View comment · Posted Mar 21, 2023 · nick anderson







nick anderson commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I haven't read through the full thread yet, but we enabled Agent workspace today, only to disable it within 15 minutes as a result of the changes to markdown support.


The rich text editor seemed to be forced on, could find no way re-enable markdown and preview capabilities. No time to submit a support ticket for it today.

View comment · Posted Aug 04, 2022 · nick anderson





