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Christopher Reichle

Joined May 13, 2021


Last activity Nov 17, 2023





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Christopher Reichle commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

For those of you commenting on this recently... This was opened over 11 years ago. If you really need this feature, move on to another product. ZD does not address customer requests. Your +1 mean nothing to them. They do not care. I gave up years ago. See my post November 26, 2020. 

If the product with its issues works for you, great. If it doesn't you are best to move on or work around it. Don't expect ZD to develop solutions based upon customer requests. They have their own priorities and product limitations that direct what gets developed. If that coincides with your needs, great. Do not think for a moment that commenting on this forum is going to influence their developement. The forums are littered with topics like this that have been open for over a decade with no response from ZD.

Sorry, Just hate to see you all wasting your time getting your hopes up that something is going to happen.

View comment · Posted Nov 17, 2023 · Christopher Reichle







Christopher Reichle commented,

CommentViews, ticket status, and ticket fields


It does not seem to make a difference where these comments are made. For example...

This post in feedback on support was opened in 2012. It took 6 years for someone from ZD to comment which happened to be you and it was only to respond to someone asking how to raise visibility for the issue because there was no response from ZD. After you posted, users responded and a year later (two years ago) you responded stating that the support product team was still gathering use cases and votes and looking into improvements. Users have continued to respond. No response from ZD regarding the issue. So what is the point?

You are redirecting us to the "Views Limitation" in forums. I looked at it. You made a commend a year ago that you did not have any new information to share at the moment. Users have been posting there too. No response from ZD. 

It think the problem here is that ZD is going to wait until that topic hits some magical number of up votes or comments before bothering to address it and that is just not going to happen if is clear that no one is listening. Why bother adding an up vote or a comment to a topic that was not addressed for 5 years or even a year? I mean, what is the timeline at ZD for handling user requests? Is it years? How many years? What is the expectation we should have for a feature request to be addressed? 

In 2018, a user asked a related question to the 2012 topic and the ZD response (Answered) in Support Q&A, (in the link below), was to direct them to the above post from 2012 and to comment/up vote it. They never did. I can only assume the reason is similar to my experience. You have a problem, discover a topic describing your exact issue but see that it has been open for 6 years so why bother. You are obviously not going to get an answer or solution any time soon. It is just a huge failure in customer service by design which is ironic considering what ZD does.

I really don't understand the reason why ZD leaves these topics open for 10 years. When a new topic is opened you should respond quickly (same day) flushing out details of the request, asking for more information, more users to respond, and that you want to assess the interest in the request. Then give it a 90 day period for evaluation. If after that 90 day period there is either not enough interest, the issue is not technically feasible or it is not going to be done for some other reason, state it and archive the topic so people have their answer. Why? Because after 90 days it is dead anyway. After 90 days people who have the issue will either move on to another product, find a workaround or give up on that feature. If you asses the feature and commit to implementing it they may wait a year or two for that to happen.  

If you did that I think your forum activity would increase and you would have better feedback from your customers and a better end product. If customers don't think your listening they are not going to bother to post and you loose a valuable resource that your company needs to grow and meet the needs of your customers.


View comment · Posted Apr 26, 2021 · Christopher Reichle







Christopher Reichle commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)


It's actually been over 8 years that this topic has been open. Fear not! It may seem like a really long time with no resolution but I can assure you that there are other topics that have been open for far longer (many years more) with 16 pages of comments that have still not been addressed. It is completely normal here. This lack of attention in no way means this topic is dead... nor does it mean that this issue is not a valid one, important, affecting a large portion of the user base and clearly an obvious flaw that should be addressed. However, this is the ZD forums where good ideas go to die. It's just not this topics time. It's not dead yet. This topic is still in the early phase. If we get up to 5 or 6 pages someone from ZD will maybe tease that they are looking at it or a moderator may chime in telling everyone to keep pushing. This in no way means anything is going to happen. It is just the next phase. They really don't like to say no at ZD so it will just remain an open sore, a scab that users will pick at every now and again.

I believe that this and other "features" that people complain about are there because of limitations in the core of the product. If it were easy to fix I think they would. I don't think they are purposely ignoring us. It is just that they look at these issues and know why it is the way it is and know that its not easy to fix. The issue really is that they need to either bite the bullet and start addressing the hard to fix issues or just tell people we would love to but the way the product was developed limits out ability to change this feature. It's not going to get addressed. Then we all know where we are and can make choices and move on with our lives. Instead, they develop features that no one asks for or wants but are easier to develop and then try to up sell those features. Leaving these topics open for years is just insulting to your loyal base and, in a public forum, exposes ZD horrible customer service and lack of respect for their loyal base of paying customers. Honestly, if I had seen these threads going on for years I would never have started with ZD. Both because of the basic issues with the product that are exposed and the lack of response from ZD. Totally embarrassing. If I were a competing product my comparison sales brochure would just be a link to a few of the ZD forum posts going on for 15 years. 

I really wonder what is going on over at ZD. Who in management thinks its ok to have a request topic open for 10 or 15 years. It is just the wrong way to handle it.

By the way, I believe the official work around that our customers (end users) have implemented is to just create another ticket with the right subject or the right priority. So now we deal with a bunch of duplicate tickets that are just slightly different. When you contact the customer about the duplicates I usually get, "well your stupid ticketing system wont let me change... so I just created another ticket". Totally efficient and not at all embarrassing. Honestly, there are far more serious issues with the product to get bent out of shape over. 

Welcome to the forum. I see your kinda new here. Initially, I just used the product without really implementing a lot of it. After a few years I dove in head first and tried to implement a lot more. As I ran into issues I discovered the forums and found others with the same issues. Some of my issues were resolved by solutions others posted. Some were just issues that I was able to confirm were not just happening to me and really were not going to get addressed. The part that started to piss me off was where you are right now with the outrage that an issue could be on the forum for 8 years without a response from ZD addressing the issue. That is followed by the frustration that your problem is real, others have it, it is impeding you moving forward and its just never going to get addressed. Keep exploring the forums. You may find solutions to your problems from other posters but generally, what you will come to understand is that  topic that is not addressed in a "reasonable" amount of time is never going to be addressed. Some people hold out hope because after 5 or 6 years someone said development was looking at it but after another 5 or 6 years those users become disgruntled. Sometimes a third party will solve the problem with a paid addin but I never like to go that route because those solutions can break as the product develops. 




I find your 

View comment · Posted Nov 26, 2020 · Christopher Reichle







Christopher Reichle commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We have custom fields on our ticket that the user can select and edit when submitting a ticket through the portal but after that, they are unable to change these fields. The portal from the end user's standpoint is a useless interface. Why can't they edit fields that I have setup as editable by the end user?

I don't expect to see ZD do anything about this. They really don't listen or address these valid concerns that their loyal base submit. Comments go on for 10 years and nothing. I'm looking at the possibility of switching to something else with a more responsive development team. There are just so many basic functions you assume would be in this product only to find that not only are they not there but ZD has known for years that people want/need it and do nothing.

It has been 3 years. How long does it take development to give a thumbs up or down on this so we can just concede defeat and move on to another product?

View comment · Posted Jul 22, 2020 · Christopher Reichle





