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Charlie Fellenbaum

Joined Oct 22, 2021


Last activity Oct 22, 2021





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Charlie Fellenbaum commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Jessie,

Thanks so much for the insights and I really appreciate that you responded as you have. Hopefully others here feel the same. I'm glad ZD recognizes the value of the input and is working on improving the process. I am personally surprised to hear how much your Product teams rely on the forums as the primary feedback mechanism, but it sounds like you may be considering alternatives - good! If you want to talk about any of this offline, you probably know how to find me outside of this community.


View comment · Posted Sep 27, 2017 · Charlie Fellenbaum







Charlie Fellenbaum commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

One of the main sources of frustration on this has been the lack of responses from Zendesk - a basic communication problem if you will - until yesterday anyway. So it is gratifying to hear that someone reviews these conversations occasionally. We are, after all, the customers that pay the bills and for the most part are probably loyal and generally satisfied with the product. But these forums seem to be the only way to request sorely-needed functionality. Maybe there should be an official channel for these kinds of things that goes straight to Product, rather than through an ad hoc discussion group off in a dark corner of Zenland somewhere.

As it turns out, the company I work for produces a web based application, developed in-house by a great group of coders and product people, supported by some awesome customer relationship managers, and my Tier 2 team. So we are pretty much a mirror image of Zendesk but on a much smaller scale. I know and understand exactly what it takes to build a successful application, fix bugs, keep the servers up and running and improve functionality and the user experience. We work closely with our customers to be sure that our product serves their needs, although frequently ideas for improvements come from internal sources. We have to eat our own home cooking.

We too are always juggling priorities and resources. This request for the ability to merge organizations is what we call tech debt, good ideas or small fixes that have been in backlog for a while, but we know we need to get to them eventually. These things do not always make us more money, but they can certainly make our customer's lives easier and sometimes thrill our staff too. The catch is to get them assigned to an upcoming development sprint. As the ability to merge USERS is already in Zendesk, it's likely that at least some of the base code has already been written and can be applied to Accounts. It might not be quite that simple, but it's not starting from scratch either.

Good ideas need champions, and that's all we can do here, ask and ask (beg?) and hope someone hears our voices from the wilderness. And hopefully Zen hasn't gotten so big that it has forgotten how to listen to the little voices. I don't care about freshening the interface, cute new plugin apps, or the Relate event. I just want to be able to merge organizations. Seems like a rather small ask.

View comment · Posted Sep 26, 2017 · Charlie Fellenbaum







Charlie Fellenbaum commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Jessie Schutz:

On the off chance that you ever read this, I can only echo Dan Ross today, as above. And you are right "we don't have any plans around this at the moment" is NOT what we want to hear.

And although you say ZD is "aware of this thread" frankly I don't believe you, or think the company cares one whit. There is a lot of genuine frustration over this sorely needed functionality.

You mention someone named Kiran, a project manager who manages "this area of the product." What does the company call "this area"?

Why not provide this little community Kiran's last name and email address so we can write directly with our requests and concerns? Discussing this request in this forum is clearly futile.

Is there some other channel we can use to get through to product managers? What do we have to do to get through to you people to prioritize this?


View comment · Posted Sep 26, 2017 · Charlie Fellenbaum





