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Xavier Bernard

Joined Feb 10, 2022


Last activity Feb 06, 2025





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Xavier Bernard commented,

Community comment Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Same here. We carefully reviewed the differences between Live Chat and Messaging, and knowingly chose Messaging. Yet, somehow, the lack of this feature was not documented when we made the decision. We had contacted Zendesk prior and thought our Messaging would offer the same experience as Zendesk Support's.

After integrating Messaging with our product, we eventually decided to go live with Messaging. Our agents and our users both get massively confused each time they use Messaging. Our users don't understand how it works because it's all one conversation. Requests that would normally take place in different tickets end up in one long and extremely confusing ticket. It creates additional work for our agents, who have to manually separate issues and send follow-up emails for each issue.

This has led to very poor adoption from our users, and what we thought would be a game-changing experience turned out to be a bit of a damp squib.

The workaround we've found is to set up an automation that closes Messaging tickets as soon as possible (as soon as it is solved) so that our users cannot reopen the same ticket when they raise another issue, and that forces the system to create a new Messaging ticket. That's a bit neater but still leads to weird results.

View comment · Edited Apr 17, 2023 · Xavier Bernard







Xavier Bernard commented,

Community comment Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Amazing, thank you Prakruti Hindia for the update and for taking the time to post that list. I appreciate it.

Looking forward to this, this will help streamline our operations!

View comment · Posted May 05, 2022 · Xavier Bernard







Xavier Bernard created a post,

Post Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Hi there!

Feature Request Summary


We added the web widget to our own web app and set up end-user authentication as described on

Prior to this, we also set up SSO for Guide. So that end-users get automatically created in Zendesk when our customers open our documentation from our web app (so they can submit a ticket and we already know who they are).

Feature request (limitation and missing feature)

When an authenticated end-user starts a (messaging) conversation from the web widget,
then we expect their conversation to be automatically linked to their existing end-user (if they have any),
but the conversation creates a new end-user, who has no external ID and no email address saved on it.

We would like to:

  1. stop creating duplicate end-users,
  2. have Zendesk handle the external_id as part of the end-user authentication

The only way to find out the user's identity is to hover over the green mark in the conversation and it shows the external ID that was sent in the JWT.
When querying the end-user using the Users API, there is no external_id saved on that end-user.

Business impact

This means for each conversation, we have to search if there's an existing end-user, and if there is, merge the new user into the old user. If there's no existing user, we have to look up the external_id in our systems to find their email address, then update the end-user manually to add their email address.

It would be much easier for us:

  • if Zendesk searched for existing end-users with the same external ID or email address, and made this end-user the requester, instead of creating a new end-user.

  • or, in case no existing user can be found, if Zendesk added the external ID and email address to the end-user that was just created.

I appreciate the email address not being added has been acknowledged as a limitation here: 

I just wanted to highlight that we would like to prevent end-users from getting duplicated, and make sure that end-users have the external ID as expected.



Posted Apr 26, 2022 · Xavier Bernard





