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Gortemaker Coen

Joined Oct 22, 2021


Last activity Oct 22, 2021





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Gortemaker Coen commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

well "pending customer update" is like the normal pending state, the customer needs to give a reaction. But what i mean is, a status the end-user can set himself like the on-hold status a agent has.

It's because a end-user wants to be able to see in a glance what his/her tickets are that they need to respond on. If something is pending it's shows "awaiting for your response" in there ticket view and that's not completely true because it's work which is planned in the next week or so.

And because a end-user cannot set his/her status to anything else than open, which is annoyingly because it has a red icon.
So in the current situation i need to create triggers or automation's for every possible combination of "we are planning to get this fixed in the next week" to put it in on-hold.

So still getting back to the main request in the whole story. The possibility for a "in progress" status or the end-user can set his ticket to on-hold.

With the second one we can create workflows to automate responses etc, When it's the pending status this is way more difficult with other triggers that are in place.

View comment · Posted Feb 11, 2016 · Gortemaker Coen







Gortemaker Coen commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Currently i'm also facing a process flow dilemma. Let me explain it.

Currently the status a ticket can have is, open, pending, on-hold, solved, closed.

Our interpretation is as following

Open, the customer asks something and an agent need to respond

Pending, we are waiting for a customer reaction.

On-hold, it’s at a 3th party at the agents side.

Solved / closed is self-explanatory.


The only thing we are missing, maybe because we want to use the system differently than the process flow it was designed to.

Because we use triggers based on when a ticket is pending a customer will get a email and needs to respond. And after 10 days the ticket will be set to solved.

But when a customer needs to do something which is planned in 15 days the ticket will be closed or we will have it on “open” which is not something we want.

So I would like to see something like “in progress” which means it’s planned to be done by the user. The end-user needs to be able to set this status himself.

And we want to see the difference from the statuses in a glance in the views from the agent.

The new status field will then look like:

Open, the customer asks something and an agent need to respond .

In Progress, a customer has something planned in. This is an action that needs to be done by the end-user, like scheduling work.

Pending, we are waiting for a customer reaction.

On-hold, it’s at a 3th party, a programmer or such at the agents side.

Solved / closed is self-explanatory.


So for our needs it's really important to have a bit more flexibility in the status field of Zendesk. 

View comment · Posted Feb 11, 2016 · Gortemaker Coen





