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Damir Lukic

Joined Mar 27, 2023


Last activity Dec 08, 2023





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Damir Lukic commented,

Community commentAnnouncements

Hi Pablo Kenney,


what about old style comment boxes? I like the box at the top which would expand only if necessary, but would expand automatically! This new 'workspace2' comment box is some kind of window that I have to manually move up/down. I do not want to touch anything with the mouse when I'm typing, and that simple automation of expanding the entry box was essential!


Also, did you notice that sender's email address is not shown anywhere anymore? Not it just says 'via Email'. Like I didn't know that ticket was opened via email, ALL of our tickets are opened via email! I need to know WHICH EMAIL ADDRESS was used to send that email! I don't even need to see the name of the person, I literally need to see the email address to confirm if it's a valid or fake email!


Anyway, if you want to improve this product, simply ask your customers what to focus on. Create Customer Council, invite everyone who is using Zendesk for 7+ years, offer some incentives (like AWS Customer Council does) and then you'll have free access to product experts and you could run your ideas by them or ask them to proactively report what's not working properly, what could be improved, etc. And then you'll be able to polish and fine tune this product and bring more customers. Offer these product experts to write use cases, case studies, whitepapers and then publish them - for you and for them it's far better than 2 sentence testimonial. You'll get 100% involvement, customers will be very proud that their name is associated with the formal whitepaper published by Zendesk. It's a bragging thing after all, ego-tripping of some sort, but we all love it.


Also, I believe you guys are all familiar with the fact that it's 6x more expensive to bring a new user onboard than to keep old one happy. Old users will grow with time and they will find a use for new features, upgrade plans and become product experts. And then you can get access to their expertise almost for free.


Now that we're talking - what about auto-refresh for ticket views? When will this be implemented?

View comment · Posted Dec 08, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community commentAnnouncements

Hi Pablo Kenney,

there's no point in 'reviewing your options'. Customers want to have simpler look for the workspace in a way they were accustomed to before this 'workspace v2' nonsense. We never asked for customizations nor we need any. Agent interface was one of the things that was working perfect and there was no need to change it. You guys are constantly playing the silly game of fixing the things that work fine - will you ever understand that what is not broken should not be fixed? Never heard of it? If it ain't broken, don't fix it?


There are other things that are BROKEN! Literally broken, as they were working until few years ago. Eg. what about auto-refresh of the ticket views? If I don't manually hit refresh, I don't even see there is a new ticket in the queue! Fix things like that first and leave 'workspace' alone, it wasn't broken, it was working fantastic!

View comment · Edited Dec 07, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community commentAnnouncements

Look, if you intend to cook the frog this way, why don't you simply tell us (your loyal customers) that in a year or two, you will simply terminate all lower plans and forcefully migrate all of us to Enterprise level charging us 5x what we're paying now for 90% of the features we don't need. Because, what you're doing lately smells of what I just said. Do you understand there are other alternatives to your system which is becoming so expensive that it's cheaper to run in-house ticketing system and manage it internally?

View comment · Edited Oct 23, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

OK, long story short.


1. Being a Zendesk user for 13 years, I feel obliged to yell (not just say) - please stop making changes to UI! The UI you had 12 months ago was THE ultimate one, everything that was done afterwards was taking few steps back - literally breaking things and then kinda fixing them. Why don't you listen to your customers, there are lots of us who designed specific workflows that are now broken or difficult to use.

2. New agent workspaces is - simply - useless. You just took 25% of my effective screen to show me what? Useless comment box that I don't need when I'm browsing and checking older tickets (finding clues how to solve some specific problems). When I'm writing a comment to the ticket, the old UI did it perfectly - I was simply writing a reply or a comment, my comment box would easily take 75% of the screen and I was find with that.

3. Making ticket comment sorting the opposite of what it was is a total nonsense. Our helpdesk system operates using emails, while new sorting is designed for chats. Our end users are employees who are PAID to do their jobs, not to chat with IT support and lose their time in the chat. That's why they send emails which they write quickly and continue with their work. Chat might be OK for mobile telco or webshop support who deal with younger population, but for corporate internal IT support, we need emails. Comments should be sorted as they used to be sorted till now - latest entry at the top.

4. New agent workspace causes problems with side ticket fields as in some rare cases, we experienced screen flickering when clicking on the ticket field that is trying to show the dropdown list. Here's the video of what's happening.

5. Chat button is shown on top of 'Agent Macros' field (as shown on the above video too).

6. Not to mention that is not working anymore, there's no way to submit a standard support ticket, instead we have to use CHAT?!!!! I don't have time to deal with chats or chatbots. I need to leave standard email-type message with screenshots or images of the problem I'm having. With chat, it's nowhere nearly as simple as it is when using email.

This is so annoying. Literally every change that was done in the past 6 months, I had to scream and yell to revert them.


Here's a suggestion - instead of tampering with existing Zendesk ticketing system, why don't you design a completely new product and do whatever you're doing now. Leave us alone with this product that just works and works and works and doesn't require any improvements except of system type (eg. security or performance). Usability is not an issue, so just leave it alone, please.

View comment · Posted Jul 17, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Chat button on the left side is covering the 'Macro' field in the new agent workspace. It's like these guys are not capable of doing proper QA before releasing the new product.


Not to mention flickering issue with the dropdown list of a ticket field.

View comment · Posted Jul 17, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

+1 here. I complained about this too. Plus, I have a problem with flickering dropdown list if the ticket field is at the bottom of the screen.

These guys from Zendesk completely lost it. Everything they touch, they ruin. Why can't they simply leave the ticketing system alone and develop something else. This really does not need any further development.

View comment · Posted Jul 17, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic created a post,

Post Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

As I was forced to switch to the new Agent Workplace, I find it totally useless!


The fact that the comment box is now FIXED at the bottom makes browsing the ticket history virtually impossible. I am losing so much valuable screen space as half of it goes to the comment box.


Why do you guys at Zendesk keep reinventing the wheel? You had a great product for a long time, but lately during past 12 months, you've made it worse and more difficult to use.

Posted Jul 16, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

This is not about the page numbers anymore. This is about degrading product's functionality! STOP reinventing the wheel, absolutely no customers asked you to do what you have done. In the future, give us a poll so we can vote what we would like to see and what we wouldn't. Stop inventing jobs for yourselves and start caring about customers!

View comment · Posted Apr 13, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Just noticed that when I do a search where I get several pages of results - guess what. Pages are unumerated! :)


@Zendesk Product Team, just cut this nonsense and get back page numbers at the bottom. As you can see, there is a bunch of paying customers who need this. Nobody needs that cassette tape thing with prev/rev/ffd/etc...

View comment · Posted Apr 04, 2023 · Damir Lukic







Damir Lukic commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Just noticed that when I do a search where I get several pages of results - guess what. Pages are unumerated! :)


@Zendesk Product Team, just cut this nonsense and get back page numbers at the bottom. As you can see, there is a bunch of paying customers who need this. Nobody needs that cassette tape thing with prev/rev/ffd/etc...

View comment · Posted Apr 04, 2023 · Damir Lukic





