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Philipp Kratzer

Joined Oct 29, 2021


Last activity Nov 15, 2021





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Philipp Kratzer created a post,

Post Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

General feedback: Switching from old to the new Agent Workspace:


  • The switch between internal notes and public replies loses the already written text
    • This change is unfortunate, as a lot of macros need to be reviewed for that. Also writing out messages in the internal note for agents is the more suitable use case for us to review the replies to customers
  • Message window change
    • Due to the message window change, to appreciate to a more chat friendly approach we do lack the overview for email reviews
    • If our agents send instructions to the customer that just are bigger than the message box, even after resizing, they can’t see the full reply which is really unfortunate
    • Due to this change, long replies or initial requests from customers, tend to not be easily viewed because of the message window resize
    • While opening a new ticket, without submitting it, you are not able to resize the message window whatsoever
  • Automatically select the “Chat” option in the reply option drop-down
    • Every Chat agent approached me on this. After accepting a Chat agents always need to manually change the reply option to “Chat” instead of being directly opened with it
  • When customers reply to an email with another email of them, we cannot see this
    • These emails get posted as an internal note, however without any possibility to identify which email this reply was sent from
    • Due to that, we have a big GDPR concerning issue for identifying customers with multiple email addresses. I hope this feature will be added soon


  • With the change to the new UI, Customer Information in Chat are not posted anymore
    • Before the change, agents could view the location, device and browser information of the customer
    • This obviously brings valuable information in problem solving for the agent and a smoother help for the customer
  • Copy pasting from Excel or OneNote now posts a picture instead of the text
    • We, the Business Analysts obviously know how text editors usually work and this is a feature from a lot of them
    • However, a solution to this could really help not only Chat customers but email customers as well due to license key copies etc.


Some of these are frankly just not thorougly thought through others, some are bad design and one is a big impediment on our side. 

Hope we can bring this collection and add additional issues and requests to have a full on boost to these topics. 



Posted Oct 29, 2021 · Philipp Kratzer





