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Bradley Telleria
Joined Jan 26, 2024
Last activity Mar 26, 2024
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Latest activity by Bradley Telleria
Bradley Telleria commented,
Dear Remco,
Thanks so much for the info. Bummer, because it really slows things down, but at least now I can properly just give up hope. :P Do you happen to have the same issues I mentioned in my initial post?
View comment · Posted Mar 26, 2024 · Bradley Telleria
Bradley Telleria commented,
Shawna James : Are there any updates on any of the issues I've mentioned? All the same flaws seem to be happening. I've opened several tickets in the past and just brought it back up with the support chat now but just get sent back here.
View comment · Posted Mar 21, 2024 · Bradley Telleria
Bradley Telleria commented,
Thanks for getting back to me.
I should also mention that the email updating is also very lagged which can cause big problems. For instance: When you're waiting for someone to join a Zoom meeting, They might have emailed me and I wont receive the email in Zendesk for a good 10 minutes after it''s come into any other mail service I have attached to the email. such as Gmail or Apple Mail. So unless I see this on those platforms, I could be sending unnecessary/ confusing emails to them if it's at all time sensitive. Furthermore, sometimes these emails do come in but syncing between "Contact" and the "Deal" associated to that contact might not happen at all. So if I'm in the Deal, I wont see the email they sent.. only in Contact. this appears to be at random. Sometimes it syncs... sometimes it doesn't
Is there any hope this is being looked at? I've been waiting a year and these issues that I believe are fundamental to a CRM do not seem to be getting any better. The email should work at a minimum.
View comment · Posted Feb 06, 2024 · Bradley Telleria
Bradley Telleria created a post,
Despite various tickets opened about email glitches it seems nothing ever gets better. In fact, I fear that it's only getting worse. My whole company has so many problems with the email functionality of Zendesk, that I am almost certain I wont be able to list them all in this feedback without forgetting one or two, but here we go. I'll write once more to let the company know that there are problems that must be fixed, not just discussed. This time in Feedback format for your reading pleasure.
The following issues have made working with the system an absolute time killer instead of saver. I've asked our management to switch to another system several times, but we're "too far in to make a switch at present". It's painful. Since none of my support requests have EVER lead to a solution, I figure it's time to try feedback. A few of the problems with Email functionality that I can remember off the top of my head.
Hyperlinks now do not just embed. You have to actually use the little link button on the bottom to add them. This is fine enough, but why would you take away the automatic functionality when it used to work fine???
When I do use a hyperlink, it them takes me to the top of the email so I can't just continue typing the next sentence, but instead need to move the curser to where I was in the paragraph; and then, should I decide to leave a blank line below the link, when I hit "Return", it makes a blank line below the curser! So once again, I need to move the curser down a line manually.
Should I decide not to leave this line below, the first thing I type will put the 1st letter after the curser so the sentence starts on the second letter, and the first letter of the sentence stays at the end of the paragraph unless I manually go and erase it, and retype it to the beginning. What‽ Why‽
Lets see... What else? aaah. Unlike ANY other CRM-Email system, should I decide to erase the hyperlink for any reason, I can't simply select it all and hit backspace/delete key to delete it at once and move on with my email, I need to go to the end of the link and let it delete letter by letter by holding the delete button down. this happens about 80% of the time. So boom! we're 20% there! Niiice work!
As for new design moves that go backwards in usefulness. Recently Zendesk decided to force you to write replies in a side window instead of just below the email itself. Ok..I can see how this could have been useful should one need to have the original visible while writing the new email (for listed questions or something like that). However, before you could simply scroll the above email down a touch and do the same until the email got long but I get it.. Could be a good idea... why not?... HOWEVER... Now if you're on a phone call and need to send someone an email while on that call, you can't send it because the "Send" button is inconveniently placed below the call bar that runs along the whole bottom of the screen so you can't send the email. In fact the "End Call" button is placed nearby so instinctively you just hang up the call thinking you'll send an email. (Muscle memory at it's finest!).
For now let's leave it at this. Zendesk's email functionality is currently designed to make everyone a master proof reader and riddled with shortcuts to orthographic mistakes that make any business with a personal touch look bad.
Please feel free to reach out to me personally if you need more details, but please do not ask me to send more videos, screenshots, or to try it on different browsers. If you look on my file you'll see we've already done this and nothing has progressed. Please help me love you again!
Posted Jan 26, 2024 · Bradley Telleria