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Parker VanderYacht

Joined May 03, 2024


Last activity May 03, 2024





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Parker VanderYacht commented,

CommentEnd users and organizations

I just read the feature request from Scott from over 2 years ago about allowing Agents to see organizations in a “View only” mode, and I am seeing that this never got implemented. Is this not in this not in the plans or is there going to be a different method added to replace this workflow? I see from the large amount of comments about this that I am not the only one waiting for this, and I haven't seen any clear answers to this very large question, only that Zendesk  It seems strange that in order for support agents to see the list of business they provide support for, that they are required to have access to and manage all Zendesk Support settings (except for billing) and be an Administrator.

Also, just like Sean posted 2 years ago as well, the interface still reflects incorrectly that both Agents and Admins can view the organizations in their primary navigation. This scares me, as it seems like updates are not taken too seriously, since this is a one sentence UI change for inaccurate information, not a new feature that needs to be developed. I understand missing a sentence when pushing an update, but it has been reported numerous times for years and never changed.

The current workflow is: 
1. Be told that agents can access the organization page.
2. Wonder why agents can't see it.
3. Assume you set it up wrong.
4. Go back and forth trying different settings for a few hours.
5. Search for articles about this.
6. Read through 30 comments and find out that this is wrong information and hasn't been changed for years. 

Why not just edit the sentence on the settings page? 

View comment · Posted May 03, 2024 · Parker VanderYacht





