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What do you think about the new and improved Admin Center?
Zendesk Product Manager
Publicado 20 sept 2021
Zendesk admins, we heard you loud and clear! You wanted one place to update settings, a more structured, organized layout, and a quick way to access configuration pages. So we moved all Support settings to Admin Center.
We’re curious about your experience with Support settings in Admin Center:
- What was your first impression?
- What did you try to find using Search?
- What did you think of the Recents feature?
- How well did the settings work?
- Where did you need help?
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Your feedback will help us continue to improve the admin experience.
182 comentarios
Rusty Gregory
Thanks for giving your feedback about Events in Support. You may have noticed by now that when the macros and triggers are clicked in contact event history log, they open in a new browser tab maintaining your place in Support. We appreciate your feedback.
Tom Dupuche
Hi Jaïs Pingouroux,
Thanks for your feedback regarding Team members.
We are working to release the new Team members page (currently available as a preview by accessing the link at the top of the existing page). This new page solves many of the problems you've raised including supporting quick drill down to individual team members without needing to do a round trip to Support and back.
This page is targeted to roll out as the default experience in Q3 but until then you can bookmark the new page to leverage the features already available there.
Tom Dupuche
Zendesk Product Manager
Jaïs Pingouroux
Hi Tom Dupuche
Thanks for your answer. However, I don't see how the new Team members page solves the issues I've raised.
From what I can see, this page does not allow to manage both the roles AND the effective groups a user belongs to, there's still a lot of navigation back and forth. It just opens the Agent user profile in a new tab, basically.
Am I wrong?
Rusty Gregory
Dan Ross
Thanks for the feedback. I can see what you mean when you talk about being forced to leave to change settings from your work area, losing time and context. This is a challenge that we have noticed and are working on a solution for it. What feature do you feel like you lose the most time on?
Trudy Slaght
Rusty Gregory I find managing team member permissions to be an area that could be easily cleaned up. I like the new team members page, but I can't access it without going through multiple clicks. In addition, when I click the link from support to manage after adding an agent, that would be ideal if it took me straight to the new team members page.
Another pain point is the trigger organization - while I understand while this was done, every time the triggers reload the menus are condensed and I have to expand the specific trigger category I want work with.
Rusty Gregory
Tony Wacheski
Hi Tony, thanks for the input. We hear you when you talk about add/edit macros not being accessible. We are working on a solution to make that easier without disrupting the ticket workflow. What other workflows feel disrupted that you have experienced?
Tony Wacheski
Hi Rusty, Thank you for considering your customer feedback. We look forward to your solution. Moving between tickets and macros is the largest disruption for me. We are often fine tuning and updating macros. It would be great to have the Macro view (https://anytune.zendesk.com/agent/admin/macros) in a tab peer to the tickets.
Peter Hochstrasser
Hi @...
You asked me questions in this comment:
Which of my comments do you address with this question, especially the "10 to 20 wait times"?
As for the jump orgy in the admin center:
Business Case: One of your agents leaves the company.
I have to:
Let's not consider the first part, and let's remove his admin role:
Two questions here:
To me, it seems that the difference between end users and agents in admin handling is rather artificial; I'd prefer to have a single field with end user + agent roles as its set of values.
I know, I could have started out by saying, OK, this guy is now an end user. After making him an end user, I'd need to reassign somebody else as an agent.
As offered before, if you have more questions, let me know.
Cory Rabideau
As someone has already mentioned, it is difficult to determine who is using a license and who is not. The filters have helped, but after filtering on agents and admins for each product, I am still unable to view who is using 1 of our licenses.
I would love to see the Branding carry over to the Admin Center. It really helps as a visual to make sure that I'm in the correct environment when making changes. I have to be a little paranoid when making changes to make sure I'm looking at the URL before saving to ensure that I didn't make a change in production when I was trying to create a test macro/trigger/automation in our sandbox environment. I've made updates to a production trigger when I thought I was modifying the trigger in sandbox :(
Tom Dupuche
Hi Jaïs Pingouroux,
Apologies for the delay replying.
When I say new Team members page I mean the page at this URL [your-sub-domain].zendesk.com/admin/people/team/members
This page is currently in preview mode but will become the default experience in August/September.
Yes it is correct that the new Team members page won't solve all the challenges associated with moving between Admin Center and Support immediately. But it will solve some, particularly the current flow to edit a Team member's role that requires Admin Center > Support > Admin Center. It allows you to immediately move to the Team member profile and back to the Team members page.
Once we've released the new Team members page we plan to continue to move the most commonly used features from Support to Admin Center. For example, group management, suspend/delete team members, tag management.
Tom Dupuche
Zendesk Product Manager
Tom Dupuche
Hi Cory Rabideau,
Thanks for your feedback.
We do have plans to introduce a filter that allows you to see all Team members taking a seat. This is planned for after the highly requested features of export team members and bulk manage product access.
Tom Dupuche
Zendesk Product Manager
Heather Rommel
I agree with Trina 1000% on the request to allow branding colors to carry over to the Admin Center. I work on several instances, prod and non-prod, and it is anxiety-inducing to not have the visual colors....
Rusty Gregory
Trina and Heather Rommel
Thanks for the feedback. That makes a lot of sense to have instances color coded. This topic of color coding instances has come up before. To my knowledge it is not something that is on the current road map but I will add it to the Productboard. Where would you expect to see the different colors that identify the instances?
Rusty Gregory, I'd say something similar to what it was before where there was a stripe of color over the icons. If that isn't doable, I'd say allow us to change the full gray side bar to a color.
Heather Rommel
Hi Rusty Gregory,
I would expect that what I set at the Brand Level:
Which sets the sidebar in the instance to the selected color
To similarly set the sidebar in Admin Center
Rusty Gregory
Heather Rommel
Thank you for the visual. This is very helpful.
Scott Patterson
Hi all,
So this was already brought up earlier in these comments, but when using the Zendesk Quicktab Chrome/Edge browser extension, if you click a link for a trigger or automation from the events in a support ticket, it will not open a new tab, instead it opens the admin centre in the current tab, losing your support interface and the various things you may have had open.
This is because the link in the events page is in the format https://company.zendesk.com/agent/#/admin/triggers/xxxxxxxx so it detects it as being an /agent/ link, but then redirects to a page in the format https://company.zendesk.com/admin/objects-rules/rules/triggers/xxxxxxxx. The browser addin will try and merge '/agent/' urls into your main Zendesk tab, so it does that before the redirection and then redirects to the admin centre, so you lose your tab.
This could maybe be fixed if it didn't have the /agent/ link redirect to the /admin/ one, and just went straight to the /admin/ one? Not sure if this is possible or if the redirection is necessary for some reason, but it's a big frustration whenever it happens. I don't think this is likely to get fixed in the extension side as the original developer isn't the one that uploaded the current one to the chrome store, and especially as other /agent/ links will want to be merged with your main tab. But since it was already mentioned at the start of these comments I thought I'd bring it up again.
Jason Paterson
I get what you wanted to achieve but I feel like admin is now split in half between the Support page and the Admin center. If I want to remove agents, I now have to find them in the Admin Center > Open in Support > Change to End User > Go back to Admin Center > Look for next agent. There's a lot of this flip flopping with user management. I also can't "export" a list of agents or users from the Admin Center, which is a bit of a nightmare.
Justin Jeffries
It is a little confusing when needing to change settings of an agent (e.g. groups / signature) to find those settings now.
Brian Noble
What filter do I use to determine the exact license count being paid for? the "seats remaining" box-score says 2 remaining (of 31) but there is no "support" role other than "Any". when i go to "team members" there are 58 - with many being light agents which are not counted against an enterprise license. if i filter on “any role” in team members, I get the 58 again. Makes sense. Filtering on “Admin” gets me 8. How do I easily get to see the 29 (31 subtract 2) that are utilized? I would think it would be a link in the box-score of allocated and remaining but it isn’t. Some guidance here would be lovely because I must be missing something.
Daniel Elizalde
Hi Brian Noble,
In the Team members page you can see the roles for each user.
You can also use the Filter and select the roles you want to count
And I agree with you that a link from the "seats remaining" box to a predefined "paid roles" would be helpful.
I hope this helps :)
Brian Noble
That is mildly helpful but far from definitive. I cannot find a view/filter that shows me the 29 licenses being utilized.
Daniel Elizalde
Yes, far from definitive.
I can count the total licenses with the filters:
In another account I manage, we have quite a few roles, so I filtered by non-paying licences:
Still, I agree with you that this can be made more simple :)
Brian Noble
That doesn't work for me - I used those filters and get 8 agents. While the seat count should be 29.
Dave Dyson
In the Filters, you'll want to select every paid role under Support (so, every role except Light Agent and Contributor), or at least every paid role that you have agents assigned to.
I'm still a little frustrated, the whole experience feels very disconnected. Being able to work in the one tab for years was great. Now a lot of aspects remain in "Support" or in "Admin," and I'm constantly needing to go back and forth. Today I was looking at the new team member page. It looks good, but to make changes, you send me out to a new tab in support. When I need to work on multiple things, this gets a little out of control.
Everything, I had to relearn the entire setup as you'd changed it all. I still get lost.
As mentioned in my first answer, each feature feels disconnected from the process I'm trying to follow. Working where I am and making changes there is much easier than being taken out of the environment to make a change, then going back to the other tab to confirm it or update something else.
Settings work fine. Zendesk has always had issues in my experience updating the current status when I make a change. We have it hardwired into our documentation always to click the refresh page once you make a change since it takes so long to propagate across your servers.
Re-learning everything took time. Disconnected workflows are my most significant pain point and add unnecessary time to my day.
Mark Leci
I honestly didn't think that the changes improved my workflow, increased access to anything or made things easier. My first impression was that this might be the first step towards improvement, but by itself it's a step backwards in usability.
As with others, I typically just use the search option to find everything, I find the headings aren't useful, e.g. that fact that organisation fields and tags are both under 'people' and 'configuration' doesn't help me to find those things
I wasn't aware of this feature until I saw this question. Since it doesn't auto-expand when you search for things, and since the organization of the menus means I'm not going to go diving through menus when I can just try various search terms, I don't see this feature as being useful
I haven't seen any change here. There has always been an issue where adding a new item will save but not actually show up in menus for a couple of minutes, which still exists in the new version
I didn't need any help, but I do feel the navigation and ease of use is less than it used to be. My most frequent task is editing and updating users, and I find that is more confusing and time consuming than it used to be.
Peter Hochstrasser
After having migrated from my legacy (2016) Zendesk instance to a brand new one, I have even more feedback on the Admin Center:
Contrary to some clever Apps (like Lovely Views or Shredder), the Admin Center for Support-only users does not integrate the admin work in one place, but segregates it into many, many, (too) many places. It is a veritable time eater - I cannot state this in other words.
I recently completed a migration of a few thousand tickets. A lot of the work involved when importing tickets from another instance is mapping IDs: Tickets, Fields, Forms, Users, you-use-it-you-map-it.
In this respect, the UI lacks in support: It's not easily possible to get the ID of various design elements, master data items and tickets, without getting at the URL. It would be nice if there would be an option to show the ID of the various elements on the UI, as an optional column. This is apparently possible because tickets fields do show their IDs. So, it's just a matter of consistency here.
The end user and organization "management" tools lack dearly, or to say it a bit closer to the truth: They are a joke, and a bad one at that. Filtering is limited in a way that I think the developers just wanted to show that it would be possible. No real-world filtering is implemented (say, by email domain, language chosen, state (active/suspended), ... . What drove me almost nuts is a flaw in the import API - it requires that even for closed tickets (which we import for their knowledge content) have their requesters not only available, but active. The End User view shows if a user is suspended with a yellow badge - but there is no way to filter all suspended end users. That is just appalling.
When creating new agents, you start off in Admin Center, then you have to switch over to the Support client to set things like (default) group, various personal data like additional mail addresses etc. etc. -- Why, I ask you? Before Admin Center, all of this, agent and end user handling, has been nicely integrated into one single admin UI.
I find it a bit daring to say that this Admin Center is an improvement - maybe it is for Zendesk, but certainly not for the customers.
I think that I do understand what Zendesk tries to do here - but maybe it would be a better deal to have a product-specific admin UI that feeds its information in the back end to the Admin Center, instead of having us customers jump around the piecemeal setup we have to work with today.
Too many clicks to get to the admin center.