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Hyperlinking within bot flow


Publicado 13 sept 2021

It would be a mighty to add the possibility to have the bot hyperlink users to landing pages instead of suggesting FAQ articles all the time.



11 comentarios


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey everyone, button links have now been released!

You can now add button links to message steps and carousel in your answer flow so end users who click on the button can be redirected to an external link, such as a different knowledge base or another page within the current website.  For more information, please visit this help centre article.

Thank you all for your feedback and patience. If you have any other feedback on this feature or the product, please continue to share it with us to help us improve our products. 


Yes, agree! Also looking for this capability!


Hi everyone, don't forget to upvote feedback posts you like! :) 


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Lisa Tam

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Conor Jordan

Thanks for sharing your feedback. Can you tell me more about the problem you want to solve with linking users to the landing page? 


Much needed as well as being able to route users back a step in a flow. Users get stuck going wrong path and must start all over when a simple back a step would be great. 


Lisa Tam I can't speak for Conor, but for our company/team, being able to hyperlink in the flow is game-changing. Often times we want to link customers to a specific webpage on our site. And more often than not the URL is very lengthy. I also don't want to have to try to use bit.ly to shorten them. I want to be able to have the bot display something like "see more info by clicking here" where 'here' is hyperlinked. Having long URLs in the flow makes everything cluttered and the info we are trying to display can get drowned out by a massive URL in the text. 


I just want to provide options at the start of when a user engages with the bot/web widget with the following options. 

"Hi there. Welcome to our automated routing service. Please choose a preferred method of communication."  

  1. Submit a request.
  2. Proceed with automated service.
  3. Chat with a human.
  4. Book an appointment. 

I need these options. 

  1. Therefore I need a way to link to the submit a request form built in ZD.  - Can't do 
  2. Can do by simply by guiding user down the flow. 
  3. Can do by using transfer option in the flow. 
  4. Need to link out to an external calendar booking site. - Can't do. 



Arghhhhhh........ Please Zendesk address this. Would be so simple for a developer to add this and would be much more consistent with the replies in tickets and articles. 

The only feasible workaround would be to create and article in guide and link there. Oh, wait can't do that either. double arghhhhhhh...........






I have the same issue! Were you able to resolve it Jason Walker-C?


Claudia Zimmermann I have not. I thought about using a https://tinyurl.com/app


is there a reason why this is not enabled?

I really would like to link i.e. productpages when giving advice through the bot. Like for sharpening bread knives... It would be awesome to enable people to go to the right page :(



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Lisa Tam

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey all, 

Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback. We have button links coming soon in Q1 2023 that will help solve this problem where a URL can be displayed as a button for the end-user to click on. If you want to display multiple options to your user, you can use the new Carousel step we have recently released. Thanks.


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