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Visibility of Due Date field for ticket types other than Task
Publicado 08 may 2021
Is it possible to make due date visible for the ticket types other than 'task'?
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Publicado 08 may 2021
Is it possible to make due date visible for the ticket types other than 'task'?
17 comentarios
Andrew J
The default due date is linked to the task option. But you can add another custom date field which will show at all times and use this in a similar manner
Serge Mucibabic
Thanks for your quick response on this Andrew.
I realized that, and that is the way around. However, it is not the best way as it is somewhat confusing for the agents to have multiple fields with a similar (or the same ) meaning. The 'tasks' would have both fields displayed.
I hope you can take this as an opportunity to improve your product and have a configurable option (checkbox) that will allow the 'due date' field to be visible for the ticket types other than 'task'.
Andrew J
Zendesk is not my product Serge, I'm just a volunteer community user.
I think there is an app that would allow you to hide the extra date field in tasks. It's certainly doable. Zendesk has lots of extensions available - apps. Personally I hope they don't make native solutions for many things already available in apps, this would kill the creativity of app developers as there hard work would stop paying. I have 2 apps in the market slowly paying for themselves - if Zendesk made similar native functions, I'd lose my investment.
Besides Zendesk would likely have to charge more for their solutions than the community made apps.
Serge Mucibabic
Thanks for letting me know Andrew.
Do you know what extension app can be used for that or an effective way to find it?
Andrew J
Go to the Zendesk App store, and search 'hide'
Serge Mucibabic
Thank you, that is helpful.
I found that the custom date field does not allow me to use automation (send an automatic email) the same way as due date field. For example, I can not chose a condition like 'xx hours until due date'.
I created the 'Incident Target Completion Date' field and wanted to send an automatic email reminder 72h before that date. There is nothing I can do with the available automation conditions for that field to create a valid automation (a single event), which is unfortunate.
Are you aware of an extension that can help with that or other way to do it?
Thanks again!
Rolf Hayes
Found the same as you. We have a number of custom date fields that we use and it is very limiting that there isn't the same trigger functions for due date available for custom date fields. In addition to that having the due date field not viewable or easily editable makes it difficult to find a work round.
Please enable extra date bound triggers to custom date fields.
Dave Dyson
Brittany Mandel
Custom due date fields make it impossible to create due date automation. I'm trying to alert agents when a due date has passed - and there's no option for custom fields to trigger when updated.
Rolf Hayes
Brittany Mandel, this is a pain for us too. It seems that the lack of this feature along with a number of other similarly basic needs was missed in the development of Zendesk and despite a number of ZD users raising similar desires, ZD have yet to develop it.
@... is there any way of pushing some of these basic needs on to the urgent/priority list for your developers.
Kelsey Davis
Hi - we very much need the option to set tasks for Incidents and Problems, please separate these out so both can be used.
Ashley M
This is needed.
Imran Patharwat
Much needed feature!
Nikki Goodson
I'd love to use this.
To add details of our use case:
Someone reports a bug, we prepare a fix. It's in QA & I know that it will go to Prod with the next release. I want to set myself a reminder (due date) to come back to that ticket after the release to notify them that the fix is available. Currently, I set it as Task and add a due date, and then I hope that I remember to switch it back away from Task when I do my follow-up.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 - it would be beneficial if you could edit the "Type" field in general. There are additional Types we wish to use and being able to customize it for our needs would help
Joanna Isac
Yes this is basic functionality that is much needed. Dave Dyson (gmail) Brett Bowser is there another way to configure an automation that will set the status of tickets to open on a specific day, or after X days, without changing the assignee, group or the priority?
Dave Dyson (gmail)
Fwiw, there are a number of reminder apps in the Zendesk Marketplace (some free, some paid) -- while they won't change the Status of a ticket, they can at least provide alerts to remind to you take action on tickets:
Perhaps one of these might be a decent workaround.