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Publicado 15 sept 2021
I use Zendesk iOS SDK, when chat agent connected, I can not see what I typed, and cannot see agent reply in live chat board.
I opened logger, and logger shows:
VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: KeepAliveMessage(paths: ["root", "livechat", "profile"], id: 01FFKQ5GBRY9Q6SWBSWW6CQCNZ, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
Can anyone help.
1 comentario
Killian Smith
Hi suchang,
The log there is the description of a KeepAliveMessage, which is basically just a ping to keep the websocket connection established. AckResponseType.fireAndForget just tells us that we don't need to handle errors for that type of message. We don't handle it because they are sent quite often.
It wouldn't be related to why you're not seeing issues. Would need more info than this to help you further, a sample app or something like that.