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Requests; neither user fields or custom Fields are working


Publicado 20 ene 2021


We're having some issues getting custom_fields and user_fields working. We receive requests on our dashboard with with without the custom data.

We get the following output from our data code (where the xxxx's are really my playfab id):

{"request":{"created_at":"2021-01-20 10:38:38","requester":{"name":"xxxx","email":"hannes.lidbeck@starstable.com"},"subject":"From Game","comment":{"body":"Test feedback"},"user":{"user_fields":{"playfab_id":"68195A5EEA8CB8A5"}},"custom_fields":[{"id":360012294580,"value":"xxxx"},{"id":27376589,"value":"bug"},{"id":27618025,"value":"hannes.lidbeck@starstable.com"}]}}

We're using Unity and REST api's, here's our code:

var data = new JsonData()
request = new JsonDataRequest()
created_at = System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(),
requester = new JsonDataRequester()
name = playFabManager.PlayFabId,
email = Email,
subject = "From Game",
comment = new JsonDataComment() { body = Feedback },
user = new JsonDataUser()
user_fields = new Hashtable()
{ UserFieldPlayFabId, playFabManager.PlayFabId }, // string, string
custom_fields = new JsonDataCustomField[]
new JsonDataCustomField()
id = PlayFabFieldId, // long
value = playFabManager.PlayFabId // string
new JsonDataCustomField()
id = HelpWithFieldId, // long
value = "bug"
new JsonDataCustomField()
id = EmailFieldId, // long
value = Email // string

var str = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);

var request = new UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest(Url, "POST");
request.uploadHandler = new UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandlerRaw(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str));
request.downloadHandler = new UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerBuffer();
request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");



3 comentarios

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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Hannes! I'm going to need some more information about the specific errors that you're running into when making some of these requests, however there is something that is standing out to me from your payload:

You are passing in User attribute that is not available for the Requests endpoint and would only be available in the Tickets endpoint. If you need help deciding the best endpoint to use, take a look at this article that I wrote.

Regarding the ticket fields, please confirm that the fields are end-user editable and then share any errors that you're receiving.


Hi Greg, thanks for your swift reply!

The issue was the ticket fields and the end-user editable flag, now everything works as expected.



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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Glad to hear that!


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