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Idea: Making emails collapsable in ticket

Publicado 14 ene 2021

For ease of reading and going through long email chains, the ability to collapse emails/notes/updates would be helpful



13 comentarios

I absolutely like this idea.

Below perhaps a kind of design for the collapsible feature, not sure if it helps though:

1. When it's Expanded:


2. When it's Collapsed:


Best regards,



My company just switched from using Salesforce to using Zendesk to handle client support matters, and this is one feature we actually miss from Salesforce. Would love to see this implemented in Zendesk since it would allow us at a glance to see the number of communications without scrolling through the entire thread of each email.

Ade's design concept is exactly what we would like to see.


We have been using Zendesk for seven months now, having switched from Salesforce. While I find that Zendesk is a huge improvement for us, there is one area that I find frustrating: Email thread handling. Any option that would allow one to limit the view of the thread would be greatly appreciated. We are looking to roll-out Zendesk globally at our company and I would hate for this to prove a stumbling block. I would not look forward to regressing to Salesforce!


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Rusty Wilson

Zendesk Luminary

Please add the ability to collapse updates inside of cases. As a provider of complex enterprise software our cases are usually VERY long, and often a single update to/from a customer can be very very long.

Please also allow the user to choose if the default is all collapsed or all expanded.

The first suggestion above is an excellent implementation idea.

Please do NOT do what Gmail does and collapse messages "in-between" most recent and oldest. I need to see some basic info associated with each update.


I also like this idea... customers often email back with a copy the entire email thread within each of their reply emails, as a result of the email client they are using or the way they choose to reply.

This can make for very messy email threads with messages repeated many times, making it difficult to follow the history. It unfortunately seems that the more challenging customers who require more back and forth tend to be the ones who send replies in this way...

Being able to collapse each reply would make this much easier to navigate.



This is still a much-desired feature!


Adding to the comments here - some of our tickets span days or even weeks due to ongoing processes so not only does it take ages to load but it's horrendously messy. Ticket handoffs can be confusing due to feeling like you're reading the same thing 18 times. 


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for your feedback so far. This is definitely on our roadmap and we will be able to share more updates as we get closer to releasing it.


Adding here that this would be an incredibly helpful feature! I just want to see the latest message from an end-user when they reply and to have any long threads beyond that auto collapsed. 


Thank you for this suggestion. It is hard to work with long threads that slow down the ticket loading. This change would improve our agents' efficiency.


All our customers only use email for support and we often have to CC our Zendesk support email so we can catch and log this into tickets. All of them include all previous replies in the email chain. The fact that ZD includes this entire email content in every post effectively makes tickets with many replies unusable for the purposes of analysis with more time spent scrolling than finding content.

Even just a default display mode that collapses all by say 5 lines with a little arrow to expand on each would immediately be a massive improvement and suddenly make the product usable. Cleverer modes could be added later such as some code to compare/match current reply to previous and strip out identical (past) content.  Almost every email app or platform already offer views like this (if they didn't, no one would use email), so this is not new ground.

For such a mature platform as Zendesk to only display entire emails and offer no options to make them practically readable for ticket agents seems absurd.

Please Zendesk - add this feature, even a very simplified v1 of the feature as an option. Our company almost considers the product not fit for purpose without this.



Same here, scrolling through past email history over and over is a regular pain. Collapsing everything in the body  at the point of the previous 'From:’ whether quoted or not would be the desired behaviour. 



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Morten Kristensen

Zendesk Luminary

There seems to be some strange discrepancy even from the same requester where sometimes ZD will parse and extract an email thread correctly so it can be collapsed and in other instances it is showing the full thread. Obviously a full thread is very distracting for agents, since they cannot easily navigate the ticket. This should be fixed asap


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