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"Ticket is created" - applies to first trigger, or all triggers?


Publicado 17 ene 2021

When a ticket is first created, and the first trigger in my list makes a change to that ticket - eg, changes the status, when the 2nd trigger is evaluated, does it still consider the ticket "first created" or because the first trigger modified the ticket the ticket is now "new"?

And the same question but in this case the first trigger send a reply email. Surely with a reply email the ticket is no longer "ticket is created" and it's now "new" by the time the 2nd trigger evaluates it?



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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

"Ticket is Created" would apply to all triggers, not just the first trigger on your list or even the first matching trigger.

When a new ticket is created, Zendesk will run through your list of triggers and evaluate each trigger against the newly created ticket individually and in the order you have them listed.


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