Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability
Publicado 28 nov 2018
At this time, only real time reporting is available for Agent availability in the Talk Dashboard. It would be store this data so that the agent Total Online Time and Time Available can be tracked. With the current functionality, it requires someone to log in at the end of day (not ideal when you have coast to coast support) to retrieve the day's metrics manually.
Unsure if this topic was posted, but wanted to follow up on this thread initiate 2 years ago - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006250347-Can-I-report-on-agent-availability-in-Zendesk-Talk-
215 comentarios
Reporting on both Chat and Talk to see how long people are on specific statuses (online, away, wrap-up time, etc). How agents manually adjust their status.
It would also be great to have the option to create an activity log for agents. At the moment, to understand how my agents go through the day, I need to puzzle together their timestamps for public replies in support, calls (and their duration), and soon chat too. There is no easy way to see that an agent sent a reply at 9:20, then at 9:27 took a call that lasted 7 minutes, then at 9:45 sent another public reply. This means that there is no good way to understand our complete agent activity, and what their day looks like.
Francis LasPinas
If there is any opportunity to partner with development, our organization would love to.
Norman Knoche
Another vote for this being made available sooner than later - the metrics are there, we just need access to them. I can see the stats for online time, available time, etc on an average, but I can't pull the information for certain time periods myself?
Please make this available soon - we need it desperately.
Kalei Libby
This would also help me because I have a small team and am wanting to see how long and at what times our agents are not logged into Talk in the Online status. This would help me see if there were changes I could make with scheduling. I'd also like to be notified when all of my agents are in an Away or Offline status to make sure there is coverage.
Nicki T.
Historical data relating to agent status and availability MUST HAVES:
1. Historical reporting on agent time spent on available.
2. Historical reporting on agent time spent on away.
3. Historical reporting on agent time spent on offline.
4. Historical reporting on average/sum calls per available hour
5. Integrated schedule of when employee is scheduled to work Support/Talk tickets/Chat tickets and having historical markers of when employee made themselves available late or early in that scheduled time. Being able to set goals/SLA within that time frame and giving historical reporting on efficiency.
MineralTree | Support
Hi Karen,
I see that you're asking for more feedback and that's great to hear as sometimes I think our community feels that Zendesk just isn't taking our real world experience into consideration.
I've skimmed through the comments and I feel like I can't add a whole lot more. The simple fact is that when managing any sort of call center it is vital to be able to know the status of your agents; how much time are they spending on calls, how much time are they available (raw and average), how does this compare to other agents, how are these numbers trending both for a team as well as individuals...
The fact that we can't easily get at this information was a complete shock to me when we switched from a competitor to Talk. I foolishly ASSUMED that, since I could see this information on the dashboard that I would be able to report on it as well.
If you have more specific questions I'm sure we'd all be willing to provide more feedback as this is, to me at least, the single most important piece of information and the biggest gap in the product.
Pat Harland-Lee
Karen Hynes We need to be able to report on which users were on which status historically so that we can see who was responsible at the time when a call was missed and went to voicemail (much tougher to monitor this with WFH!)
Looking forward to launching that feature as it is the basic instrument in tracking the effectiveness of agents during the shift. Please keep us posted on the Agent Activity reporting.
Reporting on both Chat and Talk to see how long people are on specific statuses (online, away, wrap-up time) is needed asap. Working from home team managers are having such a problem measuring employees on metrics that are not available in zendesk.
Also how many missed calls per agent and group. with details of the time, requester, etc of the missed call.
very important and one of many reasons why my org will be looking at other systems ahead of our zendesk contract renewal. Too many gaps for us.
Marilyn Austin
Really excited to learn that ZD is looking into this functionality. This is referenced in different ways in the existing comments, but I wanted to upvote and say that timestamping is crucial to understanding how agents are spending their day. Being able to track historically when they log in, each time they go into a different state, and when they log out is a vital element in managing a contact center of any size. Hope to see an update soon!!
Quinton Myers
+1. Please add this as a historical metric so that I don't have to track these daily due to the data not having a date filter.
Yes, Please - this is indeed a basic feature I was expecting would be included as a newer user here.
Frank de Groot
+1 here as well, important data that we need to be able to access
Leo Magalhaes
We need to be able to report agent availability and occupancy for both Chat and Talk, this is a must for our company.
Katie Meek
Adding to the request for this. This is critical.
I would also like to see a Text/Chat disposition so that the agent is logged into their phone for reporting and we can see that they are in the correct status.
This is critical for ensuring we are available to answer incoming calls and staff accordingly.
I need this historical data and the real time is not much better. I need to know who is making outbound calls.
Chris Smith
This request for essential call centers metrics has been lingering for a very long time. However, it does not appear as though this need has gained any momentum. Is there a possibility of this request becoming reality? If so, what's the realistic timeline?
Karen Hynes
Hi all,
Thanks so much for all your feedback, as I've mentioned previously, it's really important for us to hear from our customers at all stages of the development process. In relation to Agent activity historical reporting, we will be launching this dataset in stages, with the first version focusing on reporting on agent states across channels. We're aiming for a q2 release of this version but as always, we will update if this estimate changes.
Please continue to provide feedback on this thread and keep the conversation going, it's great to know there is such a demand for this!
cette fonctionnalité de base est plus que nécessaire pour effectuer un suivi personnalisé et l'allié aux objectifs des équipes
Je vois aujourd'hui que cette demande date depuis très longtemps et l'info existe déjà dans talk, il faut juste nous la rendre exportable
Adrian Bishop
I would like to see this in Explore so we can set targets for agent availability against missed calls/declined calls etc.
Jessica Fong
I'd love to have a view on agent's activity log too. Although we have total available time and total talk time however it's still important to know how long people are on specific statues. Especially when everyone is working remotely due to covid, this could definitely help understand our complete agent activity.
Permanently deleted user
Karen Hynes
Regarding to the comment below:
"In relation to Agent activity historical reporting, we will be launching this dataset in stages, with the first version focusing on reporting on agent states across channels."
Does it mean that when the dataset will be released, we can monitor historically agent activity on all channel: tickets, chat and talk?
Jacob Webb
Karen Hynes
Wanted to second @... with his question above. With the target rollout of Q2 of the first data set, would this be a dataset in Explore where we would be able to pull the historicals? Specifically for my Org, we are looking at Zendesk Support (Tickets) and Zendesk Chat, as we don't use Zendesk Voice at this time.
Thank you!
Karen Hynes
Hi @... and Jacob Webb,
This dataset will enable you to report on agent states historically across channels- therefore you can pull information for Support, Talk or Chat/Messaging. The dataset will be available in explore and will also be exportable.
Any more questions or feedback feel free to add,
Cherilyn Rosa
We also need this feature to manage agent performance. Total Online (available) time in Talk specifically. I currently have to login 3+ hours after my shift ends to check the stats for the day before they get cleared.
Matthew Sammut
No idea why this would not be included from the start - online time and available time are core KPIs for any team lead or manager who is managing the availability of a support team. The data is there, and available, I cannot see any reason it would not be accessible from Explore.
+1 from me, put this on the top of your list for BOTH Talk and Chat, this sohuld be a minimum requirement for a PAID reporting application.
Permanently deleted user
Could not agree more with Matthew Sammut!
Real time monitoring of all channels and historical data of time on task (talk, chat, ticket) is a must have for measuring team productivity.
Why do you need to push customers to use third party software to accomplish this.
Barry O'Connell
Any update on this? This is really a basic call centre metric which should already be available!
Chris Smith
Until the launch of this dataset occurring sometime within Q2, I'm curious how others are working around this Zendesk issue. Any alternatives better than screen-shotting the daily agent snapshot at a consistent time each day from the Talk dashboard, then working the data manually?
Nick S
I'd also be very interested if somebody has a workaround they could recommend. Our Team Leads need to be able to see the amount of time an agent has been available/online, and doing it manually just isn't an option.