Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability
Publicado 28 nov 2018
At this time, only real time reporting is available for Agent availability in the Talk Dashboard. It would be store this data so that the agent Total Online Time and Time Available can be tracked. With the current functionality, it requires someone to log in at the end of day (not ideal when you have coast to coast support) to retrieve the day's metrics manually.
Unsure if this topic was posted, but wanted to follow up on this thread initiate 2 years ago - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006250347-Can-I-report-on-agent-availability-in-Zendesk-Talk-
215 comentarios
Amie Brennan
I've got customers who run both Talk and Chat and need to be able to see:
- the amount of time and agents has been available v offline
- the time periods where they were offline v offline
Both of these 2 things, can help diagnose issues with these 2 channels. For example, you get a bunch of VM's during the middle of the day, when agents swear they were online and available to take calls but the report data shows they took 0 calls. Being able to see this type of data and hold accountability back to the agent would be awesome.
The same thing with chat, when a bunch of missed chats come through during the day, and agents claim they are online, we look and can see they are invisible and not truly online to take chats.
Karen Hynes
Hi all,
Just looking to give a small update- our plan is still to have a release towards end of Q2, this will most likely be an EAP release and closer to the time we will have comms on how to join (any changes will be communicated accordingly). The dashboard will provide information regarding agent statuses and workload per channel.
With regards to workload (work items assigned to an agent), we would be very interested in hearing what is useful to you from a metric and KPI perspective? For example; Median/ Average/ Total Workload. It would be great to get your feedback on this as we want to make sure we are addressing your needs!
Bertram Lüdtke
Priority 1:
Prioritiy 2:
These are just the general basics that you MUST be able to report in order to analyse an overview of availability, productivity and quality of your hotline performance.
I know that they calculate in brackets and that some figures can be presented in a roundabout way (Priority 2), but why make it so difficult for the customer (us) than to simply define and offer the standard KPIs?
How well and productively my team implements this and what the reality looks like from a workforce management point of view, especially in the home office, remains hidden to me without the KPIs under Priority 1.
Matthew Sammut
Karen Hynes the highest KPI metrics on our list would be:
1. Online time (time logged in)
2. Time in an available state (total time where a user is available for a call/chat)
3. Time in an away/transfers only state (total time where user is logged in but NOT available for a call/chat)
The above should be able to be shown per agent / group (for both Talk and for Chat)
Looking forward to that update! Thanks
Anastasia Kachanova
Karen Hynes
Hi Bertram Lüdtke & Matthew Sammut,
Thanks for the feedback, our priority for version 1 will be agent states and workload per channel. Agent states referring to the core Zendesk states per channel. We will be enhancing this dataset with time and will constantly look for feedback so your thoughts are much appreciated.
As mentioned above, we are interested in hearing the community's thoughts with regards to workload (work items assigned to an agent) and we are very interested in hearing what is useful to you from a metric and KPI perspective? For example; Median/ Average/ Total Workload.
Matthew Sammut
Karen Hynes could you please be more specific?
Does "core Zendesk states per channel" include the 3 scenarios I described above? or are these not available in version 1?
Karen Hynes
HI Matthew Sammut,
Core states refer to states recognised by Zendesk per channel for example for Talk- Online, Away, Transfers Only and Offline. We will not be tracking when agents log in/out in the first version of the dataset. You will be able to filter by group and agent.
Hope that makes things clearer,
Matthew Sammut
It does, thank you.
Jon Simone
Will there be a beta for this?
Karen Hynes
Hi Jon Simone,
Yes we will have a beta/EAP for this dashboard. Closer to the time of release, I will update on this thread how to sign up to be involved!
Katie Meek
Average and Total are the most useful to me. I break my KPIs by hour to gauge productivity.
Is there any ETA yet on when this might be ready? I know we're saying "end of Q2" but clearly we're all anxious and in desperate need of this update.
Because Zendesk does not currently have this capability, I am actively exploring other CRM/phone solutions but would prefer to stay with Zendesk if we can get this running.
Yes, I use agent availability in conjunction with various call counts, number handled, transferred, declined, outbound; average talk time, after call work, handle time. They are factored into performance tiers, e.g., above average, average, and below average. The same metrics are applied to the department, teams, agents, etc. And yes, availability in minutes and percentage will be much appreciated.
Matt Simpson
Agree with the need to be able to view for filter enabled dates and times with trending as well for time available (Total/Avg/Med) by channel and total
Tan Jee Han
Thanks for the latest update on this. Karen Hynes
May we know what is an EAP update release? From my perspective, we would like to have the option in Talk/Explore to measure the total and average of the agent's availability status in Talk i.e., Available, Offline, Transfers only and Away that can be tracked and reported on a time period basis i.e., weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly etc. as it's also an added measure of the agents' productivity apart from total incoming calls taken that are measured as a KPI for certain organizations and their respective call-centre teams. We would highly appreciate your kindest consideration for this feature to be implemented soon! Thanks for hearing us out! :)
Karen Hynes
Hi all,
Touching base with an update on our plan for this dataset. We are removing the requirement for an EAP and as a result, we will be moving straight to GA at the start of q3 (I will provide updates here if this timeline changes).
Within this dataset, customers will be able to report on agent statuses per channel and work items assigned to agents per channel. This data will be available at a daily aggregated level to begin with and we will be enhancing this dataset to provide more granular timestamp and timeline views in due course.
I appreciate all the feedback and engagement in this thread, please keep the conversation going and I will make sure to provide updates as I have them.
Norman Knoche
Karen Hynes this is good news and great to see activity on this subject.
Will the historical data be available from the launch date and on, or will we be able to pull historical data prior to this being implemented as well?
Karen Hynes
Hi Norman Knoche,
There will be a small buffer on the data available in this dataset at launch (a few weeks at most), I will update here with more specific detail closer to the time.
Any further questions, please let me know!
Chris Grabo
Glad to see this is finally in the works!
Adrian Bishop
Looking forward to being able to report on agent availability in talk, this is a much needed KPI in our business.
Chris Smith
Now into Q3. Any update on this?
This would be tremendously helpful. Looking forward to the EAP - Any update on the timeline for such?
We will gladly provide further feedback once available.
For us it will be crucial as much for individual agent interaction and wellness as it will be for planning the scaling and expansion of our organization.
What would further benefit us in a second phase would be associated data sets around agent activity, in terms of time spent in different areas, such as guide, support case and notes, etc.
This would allow us to constantly assess and tweak the tools provided to our agents and find the most efficient approach to scheduling, resource allocation, documentation, training and system-generated articles, among mote.
Not to detract from the core need of being able to audit agent activity across all channels, just looking to provide additional feedback and thoughts to keep the conversation going and contribute in the hopes to increase visibility on this item and shrink associated timelines.
Feel free to chime in with any thoughts, the more data we provide, the clearer the roadmap and resources ZD will potentially be able to allocate to this.
Lara McCaleb
Is there an update on this data set? We are almost a month in to Q3 now.
The post was edited to remove the pinned post with any information regarding planning? What's going on ZenDesk? Did this get removed from the roadmap?
Yes, this feature is the most important and at least some update would be great.
Anastasia Kachanova
hi guys,
do you have any updates on when this will become available?
Karen Hynes
Hi all,
Thanks for the continued interaction on this post! We are working hard and our updated timeline is aiming for a q4 release for these reports. As always, please keep up the engagement and any feedback you have is always appreciated.
Thank you,
I managed to come up with a solution using agents_activity API and https://zapier.com/ without coding.
My zap looks like this:
1. Every Day in Schedule by Zapier
I run it at 23:55 to collect most of the data for the passing day.
2. Date / Time in Formatter by Zapier
I Format the Zap Meta Human Now (present datetime) to the format DD/MM/YYYY (you can use any desirable format, really)
3. GET in Webhooks by Zapier
URL: https://{domain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/channels/voice/stats/agents_activity.json?group_ids={groups ids} (I add group id to filter the results)
Send As JSON: true
Basic Auth: {admin email}/token|{API token}
4. Create Worksheet in Google Sheets
I create a new worksheet with a title of date from p.2 and headers with fields I want to save in a file.
5. Create Spreadsheet
I take the worksheet created in p.4 and populate it with values from p.3.
Every day at 23:55, I have new worksheet with daily stats for online agents.
It is not the best, but at least something. I hope it can help someone.
Luis Freitas
Tommy this seems above my head, at your convenience can you provide more granular instructions?
Alos any way you can share the results of the google sheet or copy it to a new shared sheet removing agent names id that is a concern?
Katie Meek
Karen Hynes I would love to set up something like what Tommy suggested above but I am struggling to do it in Explore.
Who could I reach out to for guided assistance?
Barry O'Connell
zendesk Why is there no movement on this thread? Agent availability is a standard metric for Call Centers? Can this be be expedited as it seems from this thread and the many others I have come across on the same topic, that a lot of your customer base require this reporting functionality.