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Option for percentile as aggregator

No planeada

Publicado 16 jul 2019

Median is a great start as an aggregator, but in some cases rather than knowing what value 50% of tickets fall into, you'd like to know the 80th or 90th percentile (for example, 90% of our tickets are answered within X business hours). This can be approximated with attribute brackets and a result path calculation to see what % of tickets fall into each bracket, but there's no easy way to get the exact percentile value, which can be necessary for the most insightful reporting.



22 comentarios


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, 

Thank you for showing such a great interest in the percentile feature. It is on our radar, but we haven't included it on our 9-months roadmap. We understand the importance of the percentiles and will work on bringing this feature into Explore, but we need to finalise a few other projects first. 

Please continue voting and living your comments here, this will help us prioritise this feature. 


💯 it's odd that this is missing as an option



Bump! This is a much needed feature. We measure SLA as a function of percentile (80% of cases solved in < XX hours).



My favorite report takes different percentiles of response times at factors of 10. It's my favorite way to determine how widespread a problem is.



It was possible to do this with GoodData but not anymore in Explore.


+1!  This is VERY much needed, especially when looking at datasets that are very different between Median and Averages.


I can't believe Zendesk doesn't have this. We're reverting back to Google Sheets.


+1, would really love to have this option


+1 - Could really use the percentile calculation, very important for key metrics of ours


+1! We also need to know that 95% of our tickets are answered within X minutes or hours. 


Same as all the above! WE NEED this function. BUMP BUMP BUMP


Any news on this?


+1! Really need to be able to use the percentile calculation. Median is great but 90th or 80th percentile are a must have as well


Hi there, any news on this feature?


Hey Zendesk, can we get this not marked "Answered" as it is an active feature request? 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey CJ,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I've updated the tag as I think it was supposed to be marked as planned instead of Answered. I've also messaged the product manager to see if we have any other update to share.


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Huge thank you to everyone for sharing their feedback here.

Percentiles are on our radar but we haven't added them to our short-term roadmap yet. We will post an update here when we will find a spot for this work on our roadmap.


Eugene Orman Can you help me understand why this is marked planned if the only updates are that you aren't considering this any time soon and it's never been on the roadmap? What does the tag "Planned" indicate? 


Percentiles are much needed feature here.
SLAs and SLOs are usually including them as some tickets maybe be outside of the SLA norm - the question is - how many? 

can we get this feature actually be in our roadmap and not just "planned" ?



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Gerald J

Zendesk Luminary

hi Zendesk, when can we expect this :D


+1 to the above - will this feature be rolled out soon?


any update on this?


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