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Agent "Total Online Time" reporting.
Publicado 23 ene 2019
Now that you are switching to Explore, there has to be a simple way to run reports on agent "time online" and "time available" in talk.
How are we supposed to know how effective agents are if we don't have any historical report to show if they were even logged in as available!
This is a basic request that is long overdue. PLEASE make sure it is added asap.
Thank you
127 comentarios
John Costello
Hi all,
We have some exciting news to share. Our new Live Agent Status Drill-in feature will be released on Wednesday June 8th.
Check out my recent comment on the following announcement page for all the details !
John Costello
Explore Product
Trent Blakeley
I completely agree and find a necessity for creating productivity reports to see how productive and efficient an employee is.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Trent -
Can you tell us more about how you define employee productivity and efficiency? Are there other things you would look at in addition to time online?
Tina Gass
I agree. We are also in need of this metric. It helps to asses full agent productivity as well as validation for payroll and attendance purposes. Having a way to measure all online time is critical please. Thank you!
Ryousuke Kagawa
Agreed that this is important for measuring agents' productivity. We want to use these metrics to make sure that our agents are online for the appropriate amount of time in any given date range. You can monitor this using the dashboard in Talk, but only for the current day.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for adding your comments, Tina and Ryousuke.
Trent Blakeley
Hi Nicole,
I apologize for the late response. In regards to your question a few weeks back I define productivity by time servicing a customer vs other things, like research, break, excess email/chat time, time in codes for those when not actively servicing a customer.
I would like to see in the future other codes for chat, email, we will use away as break. I think a meeting code would be nice to see how long an employee is spending in meetings, as well as an admin code would be nice as well for those issues that may take longer than 15 minutes to research and for miscellaneous projects assigned.
Steve Ross
I agree with all the previous comments and believe this is the 2nd or 3rd thread that I've commented on about this. We've been looking for this for well over a year before Explore was even around.
Until recently, the best chance you had to get a number was to 'screen scrape' the Talk Dashboard just before midnight (or after COB for call centers that closed) you would then have "Online Time" and know that it was a total of Available Time + Talk TIme + Wrap Up Time + Conf Time, and everything else was "Offline Time" and therefore unavailable to help a customer.
When the new "Away" status was introduced we saw an immediate spike in the numbers, we knew something was different. "Online Time" now included "Away" time as well as all the previous times, however, there was not a new column added in the dashboard to quickly see or "scrape" that time off so we could calculate it.
Ideally, we need to be able to see Offline/Away time so we can count that as unproductive time towards phone customers, and we need to see everything else as productive time.
I also agree that multiple reason codes, or better yet, a simple ability to customize our 'unavailable' codes would be a huge benefit. Codes available in past lives included "break", "lunch", "meeting", "coaching", "training", "away". Once we get those, having thresholds available in the dashboard would be the next step to helping us get a global view of what is happening in the minute.
Nicole Saunders
Trent, thanks for the additional detail. Steve, thanks for the detailed feedback.
Jason Martin
Hi Nicole,
Couple things I would really like to see in regards to this is a count and duration of when agents go into 'away' as there is currently no way to track this. I fear that we may have some agents that are going into 'away' status to lower their ACW and with no way of properly tracking this, it is leaving a huge gap in reporting needs.
BJ Wright
This is a report we're also looking for within Explore. More specifically, I'd like to know what time an agent logged on each day, how many hours they were available, away or offline. The ability to either dial in per day, per week, or per month.
Is this a feature we could expect anytime soon or will it be years out?
Greer Davis
We'd like to use this similarly to others who've posted here, as well as tracking "if we missed a call, who (if anyone) was online at the time? Do we need to staff up if we're missing calls?
David Garceau
I was at the Zendesk Showcase in Dallas today and had a conversation with Mark Woolen and Martin Doettling about this topic. Martin said that it was definitely a known concern and that it was on their radar screen to be made available in Explore but I didn't get much of a timeline as to when that might be.
Tom Skjønsberg
We need this for chat as well. I can use the CSV files from chat analytics to get the time spent in different statuses, but the whole point of having Explore is to have all the metrics in an easy to use dashboard for reporting. Really hoping this will be available soon.
I also really want this information! This is quite basic information within the Customer Services operation management arena. When can we expect to get this?
We also need more state options - and ideally the ability to customise these to our own businesses.
Can you update us on the plans please?
A +1 from my side as well; would like to have a simple metric of "hours online" or "available" in Support
Jane Pejanovic
+1 here as well. We really need it in order to determine total online hours.
Zendesk, please arrange for this metric to be able to be gathered and reported on, asap. It is extremely important for monitoring the simple but important stats of:
1) How long agents were Online on phones each day (to be able to be used to to compare with their clocked-in times via our time clocks)
2) How long agents are actually "Online" on phones vs. just ticking the "Away" button and slacking off.
This should have been one of the very first things you built into your Talk reporting, so that we can keep on top of our agents' commitment to phone availability. At the very least, it should be put at the top of your to-do list now please.
Susana Zambrana
+1 We are having a lot of issues trying to figure this out too. If you could prioritize it, it'd be wonderful!
Bryce Radick
Really surprised this isn't available - online Talk agents work on emails at a completely different rate than offline Talk agents. Without this metric there's no way to compare someone who's never on phones to someone who is
Chris Bulin
We are doing a coverage experiment now for phones and one of the metrics we wanted to use was time online (for talk and chat would be ideal, but at the very least for talk). It's used in conjunction with # tickets per channel, and % of tickets for each team member to determine where coaching needs to be done and what we can do to help comfort levels with phone/chat.
Brad Taylor
I'm still uncertain how this doesn't exist in a historical setting anywhere.
Now's the time to add it. I'm tired of having to screenshot the talk dashboard every night to get available time + talk time + wrap time to get some sort of measurement of adherence
coming from an avaya setting, this is basic info that you want 101.
Completely agree Brad - This data must be in there somewhere, and having to use a manual method like this is very outdated (Not to mention inefficient and with room for error) when the platform does so much cool stuff.
Zendesk - where is this in your priorities?
Andrew Burns
This is my number one feature request for Zendesk.
We also have to screenshot this data every evening which is not ideal.
Jessica Rosado
+1 This is a big blocker for us, I am having issues with people being logged in when they are supposed to be and have no way run a report to track this.
+1 -- Can we get an update on this feature request? This seems like something that should be reportable in Explore....
Brad Taylor
i gave this feedback as well to our account success manager who was like yeah that makes sense. i'll add it to my list of things to discuss..
i hope that it goes somewhere other than sitting here ignored
I followed up about this recently. Though the Zendesk rep was trying to be nice about it, for all intents and purposes, this is being ignored. Hasn't even earned the dignity of a spot on their to-do list. Seems they just send everyone to this thread to give the impression of the request being heard but here is where it starts and ends.
I wonder what it will take for Zendesk to care about this for us?
David Garceau
There is still absolutely no response on making this a feature. I did find a post on getting the daily stats via an API link but I dont use API elsewhere so that that takes a lot of back end work downloading a JSON file daily and compiling data externally.
This absolutely should be a data field in Explore. Its just ridiculous that this is being ignored.
Kim Sillery
absolutely agree this is a MUST have. In order to hold our agents accountable for how they spend their time we need to be able to report on these metrics. This data exists and we would like to be able to pull reports around this data. I need to be able to create something that can easily be made into a report or a dashboard to share with my leadership team.
I agree that getting the information daily from the API in JSON format - would take a lot of manual work to then compile that data into a format that easy to read and share.