Agent "Total Online Time" reporting.


Publicado 23 ene 2019

Now that you are switching to Explore, there has to be a simple way to run reports on agent "time online" and "time available" in talk.

How are we supposed to know how effective agents are if we don't have any historical report to show if they were even logged in as available!

This is a basic request that is long overdue. PLEASE make sure it is added asap.

Thank you



127 comentarios

@... You can get the data for chat at least, which is what we are doing at the moment as a "work-around". We take the CSV files from analytics and use the status_sessions data to report on login times and then use the times for online, away and offline to check how the agents spend their days.

This works for us at the moment, since all agents are supposed to be available on chat all day, but won't work for everyone of course.


any updates from devs? 

or is it because they want us to use tymeshift so they dont have built in storage of this data?



I would love an update, as well. This reporting is essential for our team.


Also interested in this. Do we have any updates?


also +1 from my side, really need this metric to validate my agents online vs offline time. Also would like to see if we have agents available 24/7 -> so if we tell our customers to be available 24/7, is there always at least 1 agent online to meet the service levels. 


+1 I agree it is very important for us to allow agent to see their Away time via a Metric in Explore


Is it so difficult to know the amount of Online time an agent spends on Chat & Talk? 

This is something really useful, I have several agents achieving their inbound goal (1000 calls) but whenever they reach it, they disconnect, and if I want to switch it to an online hour + % missed calls, I don't have the tools to make my team more efficient.

Any updates on this?


I would also love an update on this - it's a must-have. 


We are trying to scale quickly and we need to know how much time we have agents available now in order to know what we will need. It is impossible to gain that knowledge with the current setup.


With the impacts of COVID-19 requiring our team to work from home, this is even more of a necessity to run our business. It is mind boggling that Zendesk has sat on this for so long without any response or release to address a fundamental need that their customers have clearly outlined and indicated as critical. 


I agree, this is an essential feature that's missing from ZenDesk. I can't track whether my agents are online replying to email tickets, and Explore data has at least an hour's lag, so checking the number under Agent Updates doesn't reflect accurate ticket production either. Does anyone know of a workaround? Even a third-party app I could pay for?


Hello ZENDESK, is anyone there paying attention to this need????


To everyone on this thread, please CALL and EMAIL your rep and ask them for an answer.

I will  be following up on it today and if enough of us actually call them and email our reps directly they might take notice. 


This is even more important now than it has ever been!!!

Thank you 


Dear all,

Apologies for the belated update on this thread. 

We do understand the importance to enable you to report on agent status & activity across all products (Support, Talk and Chat). We are looking into the best way to address this critical need - however I do not have an ETA at this stage.

We'll share more information as soon as we can.

Many thanks for your continued patience,

Kind regards




Does this mean that you will finally start working on this for us? Or is this post just another attempt at getting us to raise our hopes, and continue waiting indefinitely? What does no ETA mean - can you provide even a large, loose ETA? Are we talking a couple weeks or a couple months?

Thank you


Hi @..., I understand the importance of this dataset. This is unfortunately a large and complex project which spans across multiple products. It will take some time before we can get the data and make it available as a dataset. I do not yet have an availability timeline but will update this thread as soon as I have more information.

Kind regards


Thank you


I am a new user of Zendesk enterprise, and if i knew this wasnt available it would have probably affect my decision of using Zendesk as a CRM, it is a MUST feature if you have a large team like mine using Chat. 

This was brought to your attention over a year ago and I cant see an ETA.

I have very high hopes with you guys, 


@... You can get the data for Chat by going to Zendesk Chat, Analytics and then click the Download CSV button.

Under "Report Types" after choosing your date interval, you will want the one that is called "Agent sign-in, status and serving times". There you can get the login times and how much time is spent in each status for chat.

I am currently using this as a work-around to get the agent's login times.


@... Playlist now has Agent "Total Online Time" reporting for email tickets. It also has first online time and last online time so you can see when agents logged in/out. Lightweight and data is real-time.


Is there a dataset available for the total online status for agents in TALK yet? This is an important stat we would like to keep track of on our agents.


This should absolutely be a metric in Explore. Not sure what the issue is with adding it. 


Hi Tom Skjönsberg -  we are also getting the data from there however, it's kinda tedious. 

Hope that Zendesk Team can add this attribute in explore for easier reporting.


2 years later.. I'm hoping for good news - this dataset is still crucial 🙏🏼


Hi Au Finh Saechao -  is this available for Chat as well? or this is solely for support?

Thank you


@... this is only available for Support (tickets), primarily for clients who are also using our app’s automated ticket assignment features. Otherwise, it might be a little challenging to incentivize agents to update their availability.

Custom agent statuses are also now supported in the reports. 


Au Finh Saechao - hope they can associate this with chat as well as we are no longer using talk now. Reporting on online time from Chat Dashboard is kinda tedious. 






The request was made 2 years ago, for something that is considered an extremely basic metric in any CS environment. Can someone from Zendesk reply and explain what is taking such a long time for this?


Would be nice to get a real answer to Tom's question - other than "sorry, our customers are important to us, we'll let our developers know about this request." 

It's absolutely ridiculous for such an important metric to be completely ignored.


I second that. 2 years and still nothing.


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