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Five Most Recent Tickets app - official feature request thread
Zendesk Employee
Publicado 26 mar 2020
This is the official feedback topic for the Five Most Recent Tickets app. Please refer to the guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360040001354-Feedback-on-Built-by-Zendesk-Apps-General-Guidelines) before posting here. We’ll try our best to check this and respond to your queries. Thank you for taking a moment to submit your feedback!
4 comentarios
Andy Broughton
Does this do anything that just clicking on a requester's name doesn't do?
It doesn't seem to combine tickets sourced from facebook and e-mail tickets together, for example.
Tiffany Green
Hi Andy -
You're correct that it currently does the same as clicking on a requester's name. The main advantage to using it is that it shows the five most recent tickets on the ticket screen so the agent doesn't need to click off the ticket to see the user's other activity. The combination of tickets from Facebook and email is a great idea, though. I'll add that to our queue for feature consideration.
Todd Meyer
The recent(?) update to include sections for users and organizations to this plugin is confusing, and now requires all our agents to click each time they want to see they most recent tickets.
Recent users and organizations that the agent has viewed feels completely unrelated to the most recent tickets submitted by the current ticket requester.
Please consider expanding the 5 most recent tickets section by default and save everyone lots of clicks. Thanks!
Maggie Mizdail
It'd be great to have flexibility to show more than 5 tickets in the app.