Prioritize Bounced Email Notification
Publicado 06 abr 2017
I recently perused this support article about Zendesk's handling of bounced email notifications/undeliverable emails. I would like to ask that Zendesk prioritizes creation of a view, and/or agent notification when an email bounces, or the email address is undeliverable. Our organization is proactive on such matters, and we would like this feature ASAP.
Thank you,
Stephanie Smith
125 comentarios
Benjamin Kirsch
Hi all, thank you for your continued feedback on this feature request. Wanted to let everyone know that this project, in which we will focus on surfacing email delivery information in Support, has been prioritized by leadership as a top project here at Zendesk, and is on our roadmap. We are currently working on a technical implementation plan so please continue to add any feedback to this thread so we can track it. I’ll circle back here with more updates once that technical plan is done. Thanks!
Max McCal
Hey, Stephanie - This feature is planned. It's still a little ways out (we're focused on some security and reliability concerns in our email platform at the moment), but we have it in mind for the near future.
Ben Jackson
Hi Team,
What constitutes the 'near future'? This issue is a concern for our business as well, and the last update on this was over a year ago.
Nicole Saunders
Hey Ben -
It was in mind for the near future but I do not believe it has been built yet. I'll check in with the Product team to see what the status is.
Ulrike Kivelä
Agreed, this is an important feature to build please!
Mark Fly
Indeed. How can I close a ticket that has no response if I can not fundamentally see if the email bounced? If the EU does not respond that is one thing I can accept. I am actually so surprised you do not show this. We recently asked about this and they pointed to an app we need to purchase above our current ZD licensing?
Allen Hancock
I am excited to see the new DMARC option within Zendesk.
With every increase in spf/dkim/dmarc enablement, messages are subjected to more scrutiny. We need, now more than ever, to get notifications when messages our Zendesk sends bounce back.
Until then, we might need to create a workflow that looks for any ticket where our agent was the last to ask a question, and open a ticket with Zendesk to ensure that there were no bounces.. else we don't know if the user just didn't get around to answering, or never saw our ticket update.
Note, this is duplicate of
Heather Rommel
+1 / upvoted! Please vote on this article so we can get some traction. And on the other article Allen mentioned also!
Justin Mortimer
+1, This feature is much needed and needing to write a workaround for a normal workflow is very much a pain point.
Alessandro Deideri
Our customer service really need this feature, some customer open several tickets after the reply because the email address is incorrect.
Spécialiste PEB Travaux (Cen)
Our customer service also really need this feature, so no informations is lost.
Ben Jackson
That awkward moment when the Community Manager takes longer than 10 months to update you on the status of this feature.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Ben,
My apologies! This one slipped through the cracks somehow.
The product team is making several updates to workflows in Support over the coming year. They are currently evaluating the views functionality, but do not have specifics to share on whether they will be making any changes or adding any specifics around which view filters they may or may not be adding.
Sander de Ruiter
Our organization is also struggling with this issue, so much extra work to keep having to look in the backup support gmail account. Looking forward to more information on this feature!
Nicole Saunders
Hi Sander -
We will be sure to update this thread, though I do not expect to have any details for a few months yet, and cannot guarantee that this request will be fulfilled. But I have passed the feedback to the appropriate product teams for review.
Amber Barnes
You can add another to the list! Same issue here that our company has deemed a blocker to utilizing Zendesk in full
Dennis Heim
Our company also have the problem, that we didn´t get any feedback when an outgoing mail was blocked by the receiptant. Please find a solution.
Bernd Fleischer
Also our company needs feedback on undeliverable emails
Ben Jackson
Hi Nicole,
Wondering if there are any further updates on this? I'm needy, and need closure :)
Nicole Saunders
Hi Ben -
No updates, and I don't expect to have any for a while, unfortunately. :/
Vote for this feature add!! we recently had a string of bounces and likely user error/spam/junk outs but can't differentiate btwn the two and have no way of knowing when this happens. For our business, this has created a massive public issue damaging to our brand's CX image as our customers post publicly on social media that they have emailed multiple times w/o a response etc.
Kensuke Matsuo
We are worried. We need to change our business flow.
+1 to this
Vigilante van Oostrum
+1 for this feature
Aaron Rector
+1 here as well.
We probably get about 20+ undelivered messages per day here, and the only way for us to know if something doesn't go through is if we watch the actual mailbox itself and manually review each instance. Definitely not ideal for us or our customers who never hear from us.
Ian Rayner
I agree, this in my opinion is an essential feature. I hope that it expedited and will soon be on on the “to do” list.
Ali Syed
+1 here as well. Our organizations need this. So there is no way to see when an email has bounced??
Ashley Kelley
+1 for this feature. This would be very beneficial to our company. Looking forward to an update. Thank you!
Dan Savage
+1 for this feature. Disappointing the age of these threads requesting this feature but no progress.
Alison Gibbons
+1 for this feature. I agree that it is disappointing no progress has been made in 2.5 years considering email is the most common form of communication.