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Resolved: Change sender address when creating a NEW ticket on behalf of the requester

Publicado 22 may 2015

When we create tickets on behalf of our customers, as per this article https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203690946-Creating-a-ticket-on-behalf-of-the-requester, we need a way to change which email address we send the ticket from. Currently, it uses the default support address, but we would like the flexibility to change to one of the non-default addresses that are configured on the email channel.

Note this was resolved with the release of the Zendesk-made app "Select an Address" Available here: https://www.zendesk.com/marketplace/apps/support/46799/select-an-address



38 comentarios

We have the same need. In addition to this we want to be able to set this at any time. This is based on that we have several different support adresses covering different kind of support (e.g. order issues and technical issues) for different geographical regions, in order to auto-assign tickets registered via email to the right group.

Example 1:

An end-user creates a ticket from the help centre. Depending on what form the requester selects and the geographical belonging of the end-user organisation this ticket should be provided with a certain outgoing email address via a trigger.

Example 2:

A ticket for one area of support has been sent to the email adress of another area of support. The agent or group receiving the ticket should be able to change the outgoing email address for this ticket.

We know this is possible to solve using different brands, but we still want to keep the benefits of remaining in the same brand.


We are planning to use the multibrand feature soon and will thus set up four various brands, but as we cannot choose which email address an agent-created is sent from (we have several addresses under each brand), this has been put on hold until this is fixed.

In March or April, I discussed this issue with the ZD employee Max in the comments section of an article, where he mentioned a 3-month time frame - but I now cannot find the article?


It would be really nice to have the ability to tie an address to a group so that the address is updated when the group is updated. i.e. Customer sends something to support@, but it really was an accounting issue. When moved to the accounting group we should now be notifying them from accounting@domain instead of support@domain. I can see where some people might not want this, but we should be able to at least set this as part of a trigger. i.e. Trigger would have group x use email address x.

We also need this when starting an email since the accounting group might need to send a new message to someone and it makes no sense for that to come from a support address.

While I'm glad to see there has been an attempt at allowing us to control the email address (via app in labs), this attempt isn't usable in macros, etc, so it is essentially useless. We have a situation where our agents are creating a lot of tickets on behalf of end users and changing the from address via additional apps is not really a suitable workaround.


We need this too. We're setting up Zendesk for our Customer Service and IT Helpdesk and using groups to do this. We want to be able to select and/or associate a different 'from' email addresses with each group when creating the ticket.


I posted a possible solution to this here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/203464558-Setting-the-default-reply-email-address-using-a-trigger

Note that it is a little timing sensitive but in general I found it to work for me.



This is definitely a MUST HAVE feature.

If a ticket is created from the Chat or Web Widget (offline chat form), and we want to send an acknowledge email, Zendesk will always use the default email address of the brand the chat widget is attached to.

The "sender" email address must be something we can change via trigger depending on some conditions from the chat request content.

This is definitely an important feature from the "branding" perspective, given we not only don't want to confuse the customer but also the Agent that is responding a customer request.

I hope we can see this implemented some time soon!!!

Thanks in advance.


We need this too. To have different email addresses per group!


plus one


This to me seems like a pretty basic feature. Surprised it hasn't been implemented.


This is an old issue that has been resolved with the Marketplace add on by Zendesk Labs called "Select an Address" https://www.zendesk.com/apps/support/select-an-address/?source=app_directory


This issue is only partially resolved by the app. It lacks finesse, can't be configured and is not consistent :

- When I create a new ticket, the sender adress is my default one. (good)

- When I open an existing ticket, the sender adress is the last I added on my list. (not good at all)


+1 on Emmanuel's message.


We would love an option to select a default email address per group instead of the brand. We have the app and triggers in place but our agents would prefer the sender email being correct without manually choosing it or saving the ticket with an internal note first. 




Agree with Maria. Email addresses should have the option to be assigned to specific groups and not just brands. It's more common for companies to have multiple teams within one brand. 


We need this too. Because of the GDPR rules and/or the sensitive information in their cases/workday, it is important for many of our departments that the tickets they make on behalf of the customer uses a spesific email address, and that none of the other groups in our solution is ever able to use ''their'' email address towards the wrong customer base. 

We have tried the app, but due to the possibility of human error and the lack of configuration it is not enough for us to trust this app alone. We need a way to apply restrictions to our brands email addresses and a way to tell the solution that ‘’If the agent is in X-group, then use the X email address by default but give the agent the option to choose V email address instead. If the agent is in the Y-group, then only use the Y email address and never show the X, Z or V email address as an option’’. 

This is a really big issue for us and is one of the reason that we in the IT department cannot recommend our buisness to launch the Zendesk Support solution for the entire organization. 


We also need this feature.


We need this essential feature too


+1 for this feature. Can't believe what hacky workarounds are proposed for this missing feature (missing since at least 2014!)


It might be useful to note that 'other' platforms provide this out of the box and at the most basic package level:

But no one is perfect.


We really needs this function!

Depending on group we need different addresses.

Right now our improvement requests will have emails from the service desk email and that is not nice.

Not when we already have an improve email address that works fine if you email your request but not when entered from the portal or manually.

Really bad this function is missing, and users have requested this for at least 6 years... 

The app is not working ether because it will not react until the agent saves the ticket and the trigger sending emails on new ticket will still go out with the wrong address before the change is made.

Please Zendesk, add this functionality asap!!!


Plus one!

When integrating with Web Widget it is very much important that the ticket replies go by the correct email. Currently we have operations in different geographical areas with a specific email for each geo. Although we can route it easily to the correct group by the url the replies to these tickets go through the general email address. As said before either we: 1) have a default email address per group or 2) we add a condition to the trigger which is: if group X then reply from email Y.

It is very much important!


Please add this!! At least have some ability at the "pro" level. 


Plus one, please add this! Super-important.


This is extremely important as we have 5 different teams with separate addresses. Currently it's resolved through API and triggers but it isn't perfect for all situations.


Completely agree with everyone. I must have the option to define the "send from email" depending on the group the ticket is assign to (not just brand). Companies to have multiple teams within one brand, and need to define different "sent from" emails to (among other things) make clear to customers "who is dealing with their requests" (e.g., accounting@domain.com OR sales@domain.com OR support@domian.com).

When is @... making this simple trigger available?



We have different groups that work on different email addresses. Must have for us.


How do i change my sending address when creating a new ticket? This is an external email out to a customer. Thanks.


Does anyone have any idea why this hasn't been addressed?  It seems to be a pretty basic but critical functionality and has been outstanding for years.  

Is it because they want us to pay for the 'select an address' app? (although I think the free version will be ok for us).





I just want to jump on the bandwagon here.  We've been talking to our account team about this gap for years - this causes us pain on a daily basis.  Is this a formal feature request in the development pipeline.  This would seem very simple to fix - if the support address was exposed as a property within triggers we could build some very simply triggers to change the support address based on other properties of the ticket.


After 6 years still no solution ? 


Unfortunately, Zendesk appears to have lost any focus on responding to customer needs. This feature is rather simple, lots of people want it, but still, requests are simply ignored.

I have two existing clients on Zendesk, and if it weren't a complete nightmare, I'd migrate them to one of Zedesk's more agile competitors. For new clients, I do not use Zendesk.


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