Strip signature from proactive texts
Publicado 30 ene 2017
When responding to reactive text messages the agent signature is stripped from the message. However, proactive messages do not strip the signature.
It would be nice if proactive text messages didn't require us to remove the agent signature so my agents could effortlessly move back and forth between proactive and reactive messaging.
I reached out to Zendesk's support about this and their explanation was that this is just a function of the product and recommended making this suggestion within the community.
From Zendesk support:
"A feature of inbound texts will strip the agent signature from the text. However, because you have to use a trigger for proactive texts, there's no way around excluding the signature. He also said he thinks your best option to work around this would be to apply signatures manually to ticket comments through a macro"
23 comentarios
Carl McDowell
We now have this solution you can use to control the signature for SMS or your agents signature on a Ticket
How do I remove the agent signature from proactive outbound SMS messages?
Zoe Winker
+1 for this! We're in healthcare so we have lengthy disclaimers at the end of each email that are getting added to the text and making it very hard for the recipient to read.
the solution is simple, we need support for special SMS signature AND an ability to send direct SMS, who come up with a backward design to send text via proactive_text trigger? we need to be able to send SMS just like email -- directly.
Sara - Mercadona
We would need to send SMS without signatures as well
Jordan Muir
Can we simply not have a Text Signature?
Rob Barreca
+1 I want a signature on my emails not my proactive texts.
Casey Lasda
I agree. I also don't think you should have to create a ticket to send out a pro-active text. There should be a simple drop down menu within the ticket where you can choose if you would like to send a text or email. Then it would be easy to automate the removal of the signature from pro-active texts.
Kelly Ngo
We also have a similar use case where we don't want our signatures included in a proactive SMS. Any updates from Zendesk on this?
We also need to be able to send a text without the standard signature, but maybe replace with a short one.
Hillary Raigner
+1 We really hope removing signatures from proactive texts is in the works, this is a major flaw with the feature.
I'm very surprised this feature has not been implemented... Hopefully a solution is very soon
Alex French
Hi Zendesk.
What is the status on this feature request? Seems to be a simple one to implement. No signature on SMS messages. If you want a signature include it in a macro.
Sadie S
+1 When you're working mostly in email tickets, you don't want to use a macros as your signature for every ticket. It's silly that signatures cannot be disabled for text messages.
Not surprised to see another quite valid request stay without a response for 2+ years here... upvoting!
+1 It's stupid to have to add it onto every single email if we don't want it on text messages. Seems like a simple thing to fix!
Hege Solheim
100% agree - sending a ticket as an sms should be a drop-down feature (and not some trigger setup) and allow no signature.
Bruce Hartley
I need this too ! Please add the ability to turn off signatures on pro-active texts !
Paul Abramson MD
Is this completely not on the road map? Would be great if a product manager could weigh in.
+1 here too! We really need a feature that can remove both agent and account signatures from texts.
Urszula Debska
yes, please, these signatures look hideous and completely unnecessary
Bridget Haile
+1 to this functionality!
Virginia Buechel
This function would be VERY helpful.
Otto Lindqvist
+1 from me too.