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Dark Mode for Zendesk Guide
Publicado 18 oct 2021
Feature Request Summary:
Requesting the ability to have an End-User switch to enable/disable Dark Mode in their instance of the Guide. For example, a toggle on their profile.
Description/Use Cases:
Customers have been requesting a way to have the Guide have a Dark Mode option for accessibility and ease of eye strain.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Many of our customers do not have the luxury based on their company security policies to add apps to their computer browsers to have a global browser dark mode. Having this option from our application end would help to improve satisfaction of the product and encourage use of the actual Guide versus our email or phone Support options.
Other necessary information or resources:
Discovered posts for Sell and Support but didn't not see one for Guide.
6 comentarios
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Sara Ledger,
Thank you for the great proposal here. We don't have any current plans to implement a dark mode in the default theme, BUT it should be very doable to customize your theme or pick a theme from the Themes marketplace that has dark mode.
If you want to customize/implement it yourself, it should be mostly a matter of working with your CSS styles in the theme. There are many online tutorials about this, but I found one here that might be a place to start.
Riccardo Marchesi
Hi @...,
With all due respect, is this a joke? You released a dark mode feature for the Android app saying that it was the most requested feature recently
The dark mode feature helps employees that stare at Zendesk for hours to reduce their eye strain. Could you please explain how this feature is not in the roadmap for a company as big as Zendesk, especially after it was released for Android?
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Riccardo Marchesi
Those are two quite different things: The dark mode of an app for agents versus the help center theme which is aimed at end users.
Help center is already a themeable experience with complete customization tooling, which is why I said that you can implement dark mode yourself. In fact, if you don't need the ability to toggle between light and dark mode, you can simply change the theme settings like background, text color etc. and then you have a dark mode theme.
Yes, employees are spending hours of their workday with Zendesk, that's true, but that's typically as a support agent spending time in the agent workspace. When we've said that dark mode was the most requested feature, we meant for that app, and we prioritize what to build based on a number of factors that are very different between the app and help center. It's not that I wouldn't like a dark mode switch for Copenhagen theme, but we've got a lot of feature requests and they all have to be prioritized.
Allowing end users to switch for themselves between light and dark themes would align the help center to our other pages more accurately rather than us making the decision for the whole system.
Mr Da
It´s more important implementing a feature like location in Zendesk so your managers can control/check from where in the world you are working from rather than having a Dark Mode. That says it all folks
Elizabeth Barron
Having dark mode available to enable/disable on a user-basis would be huge. I, for one, struggle to use pages that are light and prefer dark mode, but there are others with different visual needs that prefer light mode. This feels like a really basic tool that should be implemented!