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Export report exports with Clickable Links?

No planeada

Publicado 22 abr 2020



There is the ability to create a custom attribute for Clickable Ticket ID links. However, when you export the report, the link is not clickable. JPG/PDF is an image of the report while CSV/Excel is HTML text of the link and is not clickable. 

It would be nice if an option to export was in an email rather than an attachment. If this could get added onto the Roadmap for Explore. 




17 comentarios

Hi @...,

Many thanks for your feedback. I do understand that you & your reports' consumers may want to quickly look at a specific ticket that is laid out in the report, and that it would be good to make it "one click away".

We are currently planning some improvements to our PDF and Excel exports. If we were able to keep the links in the PDF and Excel exports, would that address your need?

Kind regards



That would be absolutely perfect! Just a way to have clickable links remain clickable links


If maybe one day we could have it where the report is not an attachment, that would be beneficial. It would decrease the odds of the report getting ignored and save Agent's from needing to download the attachment. It saves them an extra click


I second what Sydney is asking for.  I need exported reports to work within other reports and do this tens of times a day, this will add on to my daily work.  I know it is only a couple of clicks per email but it is inefficient.


I third @... & @...' requests. Clickable links within PDFs/Excels would be an improvement, but from my perspective (and with our process today) a huger win would be to be able to replicate the "Inline" scheduled report functionality of Insights/GoodData in Explore, where we are able to navigate to a link within the report with a single click from within the email body. If that's on the roadmap at all, we'd sure appreciate it!


Absolutely Roksan Yasman, that is another major item "inline" report functionality that is needed.  I don't even understand how some of these basic items are missing from Explore.  Explore email reports are inefficient and create more work and I don't think a new product should do that.


This would definitely be useful in excel or other formats of extracted reports. We have teams that do analysis work on huge data dumps outside of explore because it faster, friendlier, etc and it would help them to be able to easily link out and access a ticket via the URL which is already in the excel table just not in a clickable format. 


@... - @...

Where are we with these requests? Clickable links in reports and clickable links in exported Excel Reports? Also emailed reports with clickable links rather than a PNG image of a report.

There are many messages saying this is on the Road Map and these are old messages. Can we see the Road Map what is a higher priority?



Hello Team - Is there an update to this?


Is there anyone to answer on this less than one month before the mandatory migration to Explore?


Just sharing how I do a work around in Excel in case it helps anyone!

If Column A has Ticket IDs:

In cell B2 I use this formula (change out the YourZendesk part of the hyperlink) ="https://YourZendesk.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/"&A2

In cell C2 use this formula =HYPERLINK(B2)

And now you have clickable links, just copy the formulas down! Excel tables makes this a lot easier.




at present, when exporting the list of guide articles from the dashboard.. I get the html code for the link to the article - now I have to manually strip this out for my presentations. 


I would love to see this, it was so nice that you could have working links in exports from Insights. 


There is now clickable links built into reporting more natively, but downloads still lack this, would still like to see this added. 


got another request for this today, would still love to see this feature added/fixed. 


Upping this. Crazy that it is not still implemented!


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Sydney, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.


We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.

At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “not planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.


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