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Reporting Messaging Satisfaction in Explore


Publicado 19 ago 2021


Recently was added this feature to the messaging channel where the CSAT survey request is sent when the chat is over as an automatization.


The trigger is working well for us but how can I make a report of that CSAT rating in explore? This CSAT is not stored in the support data set, neither in the chat dataset. This is a key metric to our company would aprecciate some help 



3 comentarios

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Phoebe Morin

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Katherine! 

When you switch over to Messaging, the Chat dashboard isn't used anymore. Instead, all your messaging statistics will be found in the Support default dashboard in Explore.

Under Zendesk Support Dashboard,change the channel to Messaging:


Thanks, but satisfaction review are not available in this dashboard. For messaging they are all empty even if a review has been left by the customer. 


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Léna,

If the Explore dashboard doesn't display any satisfaction data, especially for the messaging channel, we would suggest creating your own custom report. There are some metrics available depending on what you need in our metrics and attributes for Zendesk messaging for your reference.

Please see sample CSAT report for Messaging channel below:

We hope that helps. Thank you!


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