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BUG: A mentioned agent is not added to the Followers list under Internal Note.
Publicado 12 nov 2020
Looks like a new bug:
A Mentioned agent is not added to the Followers list under Internal Note. After that, the agent cannot be mentioned and added in the Public reply as-well. Steps to reproduce:
1. Connected to a ticket > public reply > type @someone > his name is added to the follower list.
2. Delete his name from the reply > his name is removed from the Followers list.
3. Move to internal note > type @someone > his name is not added to the follower list, and he won't get a notification email.
4. from now on, even if you move back to public reply > add @someone > his name is not added to the follower list
5. Force refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) > you can mention him in the Public reply but not on the Internal note.
3 comentarios
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for reporting this, Yaniv. We've passed it along to the product manager for this area; she'll reach out with any questions.
Craig Bailey
We're seeing this behavior more and more ourselves. and it's random to the point I've advised all agents to not use it for now as vital communications are being missed.
Just this week I have two critical "mentions" in private notes that were
a) Not added as a follower.
b) They were NOT NOTIFIED by email. The mention remains is in the private note, but no record of notification when I look at ticket events.
Carl McDowell
Hi @...,
I am going to open a ticket for you regarding the problem you are having so I can collect some account specific information. You should receive an email shortly stating the ticket has been created.