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Adding a notification banner to your Help Center v2

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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

Publicado 08 feb 2016

Plan Requirement:  Pro Plan and up (if on lower plan see this version)

Zendesk level: Intermediate
Knowledge: HTML, CSS, JS, API
Time Required: 15 minutes

Have you ever wanted an easy way to notify your end users of System Outages, Important Announcements, or Releases. If so, then the Notification Banner v2 is exaclty what you are looking for. In my previous versions we had to add a word like "Issue" in the title of your article in order for the notification to show. With the new version we are going to leverage the Zendesk API and use Article labels to display our alerts.

In order to shorten this article, you can find all the code and instructions on my GitHub Page.



This post has been edited by the Zendesk Community Team to remove a "Live Demo" link that no longer works. 



293 comentarios

Very cool Wes! Thanks for the post.


After pasting the CSS code at the bottom of the CSS tab, Zendesk will not allow me to SAVE.

I had no trouble copy/paste/save with the HTML or JS



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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Scott - On your CSS tab just click anyway and hit your spacebar and then the SAVE button will be available.


Never mind...missed a bracket.


I believe copy and pasted correctly....but not working as your.


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Scott - Did you copy the HTML to the top of the "header".  From your screenshot it looks like its on top of the "Home Page.  


Yup...just figured it out...I put it in the 'Home Page'

Works great!! Thanks so much!


This looks amazing, adding it to my help centre 'to do' list!


Any way to just show the article name and not the content?

EDIT: Figured it in two seconds...should've looked at the code.


Just remove ' + item.body + ' from line 6 in the js file.


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Brian - I put some Q&A at the bottom of my GitHub page.  I figured someone would be asking your exact question.


If you are just display the title you may want to play around with the CSS and center the title and icon but thats up to you.  Thanks for using my solution.


Hi Wes,

I am trying to add the notification banner,  but we are not using the Pro plan.  I am trying the alternate version, but I am missing something.  I have taken the promoted articles out of the home page html,  and added the other bits of code to the header and js sections and still don't get the alert.  What am I missing?   Thanks in advance for your help. 


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

Hi Liz - With that version you can keep the promoted article section on your Home Page.  Add that code back to your HomePage and make sure the JQuery is right below the $(.document.ready) function.  Go to one of your articles and in the title add the word - Issue - Title


Thanks Wes,  I got that fixed,  but I still can't get the alert to format.  Sorry I am not versed in html and css,  so I am sure I am just missing something obvious.  This is what the notification looks like in our HC right now.   I get the alert in the header but it is missing all the formatting,  and isn't very noticeable. 



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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Liz - I've updated the GitHub to include CSS styling.  Please recopy ALL the code as I made changes to all of it.


Thanks Wes!


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Liz - Your welcome.  Glad to hear everything worked out.


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Christopher Stock

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hey Wes, really useful thanks!


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@christopher - You're welcome.  Enjoy


Hello Wes - This tip is very useful, many thanks for sharing!

One quick question: will the text always be displayed in your default language, even if you created language versions of the article containing the label?

I made a test with default content in English and created a version in French, but my Help center in French would still display the text in English.




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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Rim - I've never tested with different languages so I'm not sure how it reacts.  Its pulling from the API but not probably from the locale.  When I get some free time I'll see what I can figure out.  If you resolve it yourself just let me know.


Very useful indeed, awesome! However it does not react to the different languages. If you create an article and add the translation for each language (like in my case ES/FR/DE/IT) the alert message only display source language. For our support team an issue/alert might be either of all the languages or for only one of them. In the latter case we would still need to ability to display an alert only for one language. So ideally if you have a language, where you don't have that issue, by don't adding the translation you don't display the alert. That would be really terrific!




The other issue I have is that the alert message seems to be displayed only if I am logged in as an agent. The alert message is not displayed to final user without login. How can I make the alert message to be displayed also publicly? 


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@Antonioaddeo - If you look at my test site the notification is showing without you being logged int.  Looks like you may have something else going on there as the code I gave it doesn't matter if your logged in our not.  Is your HC open for anonymous access.  Make sure you don't have my code interlaced with some of your other custom JS code.


For our site it only shows after you log in - but that's because the section we have the article in is locked to logged in users only.  Worked perfectly straight away for us :)


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@Ola - Great point as the article will follow the rules from the section.

@Antonioaddeo - Can you see if this is the case with your HC.  Is the article in section that has been locked or only allow certain users to se.


Thank you for the answers! The section where the article has been places is available to "anyone" and our HC is open for anonymous access, yet the alert is displayed only after sign-in. 


Hi Wes.  This is FANTASTIC!  Thanks for doing this.

I just added the code to my Help Center sandbox and it isn't fully working.  I double checked that I copied in the correct code from your instructions. The announcement bar is white and I can't seem to change it. Suggestions?



Since for our support this feature is vital, I have 2 comments:

  1. I have installed again the code but  I am unable to make the alert banner visible to logged out users (anonymous users). I have the HC visible to anonymous users and the section of the article is also public. Anybody else having this issue?
  2. Say that I manage 4 languages, and the alert is only related to one of the languages. It is very important then to know if we can manage the alert depending on the language by adding the appropriate translation.


@antonionaddeo - for the multiple languages could you use a different label for each language, and then display results for the appropriate label depending on the user's language?


I guess I could use a different label for each language, but how do I add the input about the alert label in different languages?


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