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How can I tell if users read/open our support replies?


Publicado 18 jul 2017


Is there a way where I can determine the rate of our customers who read/open our support replies in Zendesk or whether we can integrate an app who can help such as Mail chimp? I need to know if the users read our replies with date and time or last seen features :) 



4 comentarios


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all! 

Thanks to the great work of Community member David Andrews, Read Receipts are now available via an app in the Zendesk Marketplace: 

Read Receipts


Check it out!


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Welcome to the Community, Lamsarasha!

I'm afraid there isn't a way to get a read receipt or anything like that on your tickets. Zendesk is only able to detect that the notification has been received by the destination email server; we have no way of knowing whether it actually arrives in the user's inbox or if it's been opened.

Other users have expressed interest in similar functionality though. I'd encourage you to add your vote and detailed use case to this thread in our Product Feedback forum. The more detail you can give about the problem you're trying to solve, the better our Product Managers can understand it and evaluate whether it can be fixed. Just bear in mind that our Product Managers are not always able to answer on every post; but they do see everything!


We wanted the same functionality because I am OCD about customer service. If I have not heard back from a customer in a timely manner I would like to know if they have opened my e-mail so I created an app that does the following:

 1. Anytime a ticket is created or the comment is updated by staff we are able to automatically insert a comment update like the picture I have attached a screenshot of it in action.

 2. We will be adding additional functionality as well as advanced analytics & reporting as well. 

We have 7 happy beta testers and are looking for 3 more before we deploy to the app store.

If you are interested in beta testing please go to MyReadReceipts.com and enter your e-mail.



Hi! We solved this problem! Our app is now live on the Zendesk app marketplace: https://www.zendesk.com/apps/support/my-read-receipts/ Please feel free to use 'FIRSTMONTHFREE' to have the first month for free! David  


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