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View of Internal Notes
Publicado 19 mar 2015
I need to know when an internal note is posted to me without going in to every ticket. What is the best way to do this? Do I setup a view for those internal notes? Or there some other way?
12 comentarios
McCabe Tonna
I put some thought into this.
1. You can create a trigger that adds a tag, every time a private comment is made.
2. Create a view to search for that tag
3. Create a second trigger that removes the tag when you update a ticket with that tag.
This will allow for you to find these tickets without all the emails.
Hope this helps,
Hey, thanks. I'm trying this out.
I've setup the trigger to tag them and to view them. How do I prevent 3 from overriding what I just did in 1 ?
McCabe Tonna
I'm a little confused - Are you saying anytime you update the ticket, you are removing the tag?
How do i setup trigger number 3?
Jessie Schutz
Hey Jay!
It would probably look something like this:
That should get you where you need to go!
Stef Viveen
Hi Jessie,
I have built a "My Internal notifications" view using this topic, great!
Same as Renee, I also have a large number of agents to provide views for. (50 and counting)
Is there a way to make available a "My Internal notifications view" as default for all agents, without having to set this up separately for each and every agent?
Dipesh Dave
Hey Stef!
When creating the view you should have an option at the bottom of the view to display for all agents, only for you, or for a certain group of agents.
It should look similar to this (except the groups will display differently based on your organization)
- As long as you select Available for All Agents you should be able to have all of your agents access this view that you've created.
Front Runner Vehicle Outfitters
I think the point here is that once you have set the view to all agents, then all agents can view each others internal notes. The point is that only that agent should be able to view that view.
There is no way to do this. you have to log in to each agents profile, choose their view that you have made, make them administrator, then choose that view as "Me Only" and finally return them to agent status. Pretty long process...
Stef Viveen
Thanks Dipesh, But that is not what I meant.
I want to create 1 view where 1 agent sees the internal notes where only he/she is mentioned in.
This Trigger + View needs to be "reproduced" for every single user and that in the most simple way.
Is there a way to do that? (hoping Renee is wrong.. :) ) Or should we stick to Outlook for internal note mentions..?
Jessie Schutz
Hey Stef!
It's not possible to restrict ticket content at that level of granularity. If an agent can see a ticket, they can see all of the activity on that ticket.
Can you tell me more about your use case? Why would you need to prevent other agents from seeing certain parts of these ticket, rather than just restricting them from being viewed altogether?
Front Runner Vehicle Outfitters
Stef, I have set up all of my views and triggers. 30 of them (rolling eyes emoji) and they are working well. I followed McAbes's suggestion above regarding the trigger and tag set up and then applied the views per user. The only really crap thing was that we had to make each user an administrator, log into their profile and then change the particular view to me only in each person's profile. Worth it though. Each user now has a view of any internal note that has their name on it :).
So create Tag trigger:
Then create a view per user and have it selected to me only at the bottom when user is logged in and has admin rights to change the view.:
Stef Viveen
Thanks Renee !
A lot of work.. #rolling eyes.
But. It will do.
I guess I''ll get to work than.