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Сonfiguring of the Chat Form
Publicado 04 nov 2021
How to rename standard fields that appear for a client at the beginning of a chat:
“What is your name” and “What is your email address”. We need another text.
The ChatFormConfiguration class referenced takes name, email, phoneNumber, department
each of which in its turn is a FormFieldStatus enum type in which you can choose any of
required optional hidden types and there is no way to change the display of these fields according to the documentation.
Yes, we know that there is a public var description: String {get} but this field has only get, there are no methods of its setup, and most likely it is there just to comply with the CustomStringConvertible protocol.
It seems that according to this documentation, there is no possibility to change the display text?
1 comentario
Mick O'Donnell
You can override iOS strings as documented here. The string that you need to update for your example is: "ios.conversation.ui.pre_chat.form.add.name.composer.hint"
There's a similar strategy to doing this for Android.