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possibility to start a new chat conversation in our bot
Publicado 17 nov 2021
Now, when a customer starts a chatbot it remains open for five days (more or less). We want the customer had the possibility to open a new conversation. Is that possible?
86 comentarios
Rosana Jimenez
Rama Sabajo
We need that button! Without it really @#$%s up the flow!
Marlene Bosse
For us, the chat bot was the deciding factor. Now this super important feature is missing, but Zendesk itself uses it. Somehow not really understandable! Please install this feature urgently! Without it the bot is NOT usable!
Ben Graham
Are there any updates on where this sits in the development timeline? Thank you!
Onur Okutan
Hi everyone,
Thanks very much for sharing feedback and highlighting how important the multi-conversation capability is for you in Messaging. Our teams are currently working on this capability, however, we are not able to share a timeline for delivery at the moment. We will provide updates here once we have a timeline to share.
As a reminder of my previous note in this thread, you can check out our Support SDK and Sunshine Conversations SDK which offer the multi-conversation capability, as they might be a good alternative for you for the time being.
Thank you.
Tim (inactive account)
Thank you for the update.
The initial eta was 2022. We are now nearing q2 - 2023 with no time line.
For me, this function is a "Must have" but I am now too invested to not go live. I have been working on the flow builder for the better part of the past 6 months to improve customer experience and lighten our work load on CX. All the while hoping this would be released or at least opt in as Beta early acces.
As it stands now, I am going live with a tool that is possibly going to block customers out of creating tickets through the bot. This will add to phone calls and more tickets with no proper routing and potentially increase workload and decrease customer experience.
I hope this somewhat helps in understanding why most of us feel like this is such a needed function.
Spasimira Kotulova
I too would like to stress how important this feature is. A beta version would be appreciated all the same. Voting for this feature too.
Is there any way we can fast-track?
Nathan Groblewski
Can someone please add some documentation specifying the limitations of the new messaging widget when compared to the classic widget?
This is now the second feature block we've run into using the new implementation. I would have much preferred to implement the classic widget and eventually migrate away in the future. This is simply not ready for large enterprise production support teams.
Permanently deleted user
Hi, we recently launched messaging and would also benefit from this feature.
It works so well when we contact Zendesk support. We have customers and clients who repeatedly use the widget for separate enquiries and it would help their user experience when returning or when looking back at their previous convo's
Joseph Wang
Please let us know when the create "New Conversation" is available to Chat Bot. Since the customer conversation in a chat is already stored in the ZenDesk ticketing system and while in a Live Chat, they would like to start a new conversation with a "New conversation" button or have a button to end a conversation with "End conversation" if a Live chat agent is away for a long time.
Nick S
Hi team, any updates on this feature? We have customers and clients who use Messaging for a wide range of issues and the current functionality doesn't allow separate conversations to occur at once. It's a little frustrating as Zendesk are currently using this feature for their own customers.
Xavier Bernard
Same here. We carefully reviewed the differences between Live Chat and Messaging, and knowingly chose Messaging. Yet, somehow, the lack of this feature was not documented when we made the decision. We had contacted Zendesk prior and thought our Messaging would offer the same experience as Zendesk Support's.
After integrating Messaging with our product, we eventually decided to go live with Messaging. Our agents and our users both get massively confused each time they use Messaging. Our users don't understand how it works because it's all one conversation. Requests that would normally take place in different tickets end up in one long and extremely confusing ticket. It creates additional work for our agents, who have to manually separate issues and send follow-up emails for each issue.
This has led to very poor adoption from our users, and what we thought would be a game-changing experience turned out to be a bit of a damp squib.
The workaround we've found is to set up an automation that closes Messaging tickets as soon as possible (as soon as it is solved) so that our users cannot reopen the same ticket when they raise another issue, and that forces the system to create a new Messaging ticket. That's a bit neater but still leads to weird results.
Michael Jagt
This is 100% a must. Can you (the product team) please move this up to be implemented asap?
Spasimira Kotulova
Has anyone used the suggested workarounds - Sunshine conversation and/or Support SDK and has any feedback on them?
Manuel Moreira
I don't understand how Zendesk has this functionality on their chatbot, but it is not available for the clients. It makes no sense. This makes me so confused, cause the code already exists, it just needs to be migrated to the Messaging sytem, so there's no reason why this should be taking so long..
Alexander M
Here is how we are dealing in our company with ending chats through messaging: when an agent marks a chat as Solved there is a trigger that adds a specific tag to that chat. So we have set up another trigger that fires and moves the status of the chat, that contains that tag, from Solved to Closed.
This way, if a user comes back after some time and writes anything in the chat window - this opens up as a new chat on our support side, not the continuation of an old chat.
Shaun Luong
My first workaround was like Xavier Bernard 's automation, but since it was an automation, it can only run on the hour (even when set to 0 hours after ticket is solved), so new messaging tickets were created at most 1 per hour per customer. Then Alexander M 's workaround got me thinking and I created a cleaner, more responsive one: a trigger to close solved messaging tickets instantly, without tags. Works if agent marks the ticket as solved, or the customer marks a suggested article as solving their issue and to close it. Only drawback is the customer is not sent CSAT surveys. Not as good as Zendesk actually implementing a New Conversation button in their Messaging.
Kassandra Major
Are there any updates on the release of this feature? This is pretty basic and necessary when it comes to keeping track of issues. I created a ticket with Zendesk and they recommended the Sunshine Feature? We don't need any functionality in that package with the exception of the ability to create new chat conversations. It seems pretty absurd to add on to current package when this should just be a basic offering. Please update soon!
Kassandra Major
@Shaun Luong Are your agents able to go back and see closed tickets? And does this now create new chat tickets for the customer the next time they send in a request? What does it look like for the end user when a chat is set to closed.. are they able to see their chat history?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :)
Shaun Luong
Kassandra Major Yes, agents can go back and see Closed tickets by clicking on the customer from the Support agent workspace. I don't know how else to filter or search for Closed tickets. Yes, new Messaging tickets are created the next time they start "chatting with agent" from Messaging. All Messaging tickets show up in the agent workspace with the subject "Conversation with <Customer Name>", unless the agent has changed the subject. The customer does not see any indication that the ticket was closed or that a new one was started. Their Messaging history remains until they clear their internet cache.
Best to try out my trigger yourself to get the agent and customer experience.
Kassandra Major
Thank you Shaun Luong!
Kassandra Major
Shaun Luong I just tried this and it seems to work! The only thing is it sent our welcome message all over again, any insights on how to change that?
Manuel Moreira
Shaun Luong The only problem with that solution is that the user does not recognize that there is a new conversation going. My chatbot restarts but doesn't send the greeting message, so the user thinks it is still talking to the agent and then the chatbot replies. I think there is really no point in having authenticated users if it's gonna make their experience worse. I think I'm just gonna ask for the name and e-mail every time a user starts a new chat. Regarding if the team can check the history of a client (Kassandra Major) , you can also change the "Recently solved tickets" to show the closed tickets to. Just go to Admin Center > Workspaces > Views > Recently solved tickets.
Nick P
This feature & the ability to go back (up a step) within a flow should be top priority for the product team! Would solve the major pain points we have with Messaging.
Joshua Casey
Comon over a year and still no update? .... We need this feature for our business.
Zendesk, is there any update on this?
Totally agree with them. As in this screenshot, we need the feature to create a new user thread. This is because users can open a new bot and ask other questions.
Jeffrey Porter
Is there any update on this, as the feature has been available on the Zendesk internal chat bot for over 18 months and has not been released to users. Thanks!
Mirek Kokes
+1, absolutely a must have
This functionality is very much needed. Without this, messaging cannot be used at its full potential. Onur Okutan any, updates on this? When Zendesk is already using this for support, can you please guide us on how we can create the same custom script in the meantime?