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Non-Admin's (Agents) being able to Reset Passwords
No planeada
Publicado 22 feb 2022
Is there a way for Non-Admin agents to reset end user passwords?
This is something we have to deal with routinely and waiting for an ADMIN to be available is a bad customer experience, especially when our support is 24/7 and our Admins only work business hours. It's a requirement that our End Users log-in to be able to see replies, this creates an issue, if the agent is unable to reset the end users password. We see quite a few of these requests on a regular basis.
We don't want to give Admin functionality to all agents, that the only reason they'd need Admin access to do their job is for the reset end user password.
Thank you!
7 comentarios
Dave Dyson
Denise Sehlmeyer
@... is there a future plan for allowing others (even a sub group of Admins) getting this ability, in the future?
Dave Dyson
Marty Ewings
+1 on this
This is something we have to deal with routinely, but we don't want to give all our agents Admin access just for this one task, and waiting for an ADMIN to come online in a Global Support Desk can be a bad customer experience
Rodrigo Machado
Hi dears,
What Denise mentioned is a huge demand here at the company.
It is important that the ADM can delegate some configurations, as this one, to common agents. Perhaps within groups.
This improvement would be very welcome.
Alison Cook
+1 this is slowing down our business by having only Admins reset passwords. This should be an option in a custom role.
Tom Dupuche
Hi all,
Unfortunately we don't have any plans to add this feature at this time. We have focused on other highly requested features such as brand based access, agent efficiency and AI capabilities.
Tom Dupuche
Zendesk Product Manager