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Feedback: Only Admins should be able to change staff members names

Publicado 30 mar 2022

Hi guys,

Our team would love to see option that will disable agents/staff members access to edit their real names. 

For our use case we need to allow agents to add and edit end-user profiles AND we need to make sure that agents will not change their real names. At the moment agents understood that they can change their real names and they do it constantly which is making us trouble with reporting, access management etc. 

We currently support 5 ZD instances and expect to support more, so this feature is vital for us. 






6 comentarios

This is definitely a common problem we encounter. The Agent would remove their last name so then when I need to add Agents to a group, I have to figure our which of the 5 Jessica's need to be in the group. This is especially a problem when searching as sometimes their full name won't pull up their profile so I need to either search for their first name or try to figure out what email their profile is under.


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Sara Ledger

Zendesk Luminary

This is also an issue I have. I wouldn't be opposed to it being just another permission feature so we could enable it by group. We definitely have run into issues where someone has changed their name to a different nickname and removed their last name which causes problems trying to figure out who the person actually is.


+1 for this feature. This should exist in Zendesk !


+1 on this. Definitely will be useful for us and more control over what agents can do is always welcome.


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Alina Wright

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all,

Valid feedback, thank you for sharing. It's not currently planned for our roadmap but will update once it is. 

Thank you!


+1 for this, my management team is begging for this function to be implemented. 


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