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Zendesk Live Dashboard: Data Filters
Publicado 04 abr 2022
Using the Live Dahboards are something we are wanting to be doing however without the ability to filter of groups, organizations, organization tags or agents the stats that the live dashboard can display are basically meaningless as cannot see what is happening and just a blanket stat. seeing tickets for each internal team or agent would be much more useful and generall this would improve the type of stats that we could display.
5 comentarios
CJ Johnson
Agreed, I'm already dreading having to explain to everyone who sees it to not get excited, because it's unusable for us without these filters. I really, really, wish this had at least forms as an option for filtering.
Zendesk Team Illation
The live data filters are almost useless currently for the following reasons:
Route 101 Admin
Agreed, we tend to sway customers away from Live Dashboards and suggest they use third-party apps instead in order to monitor live data.
Any instance with numerous brands and groups would struggle without the option to select more than one in a filter at once.
Why not match explore filters, the groundwork is already there?
Simon Blouner (midlertidig)
We really need the option to filter for multiple groups or brands simultaneously.
In a multi-brand setup, the live dashboards are nearly useless because we want to have the option to make several live dashboards for e.g. one group on one dashboard, but multiple groups or brands on another.
Agnieszka Czajka
Thank you for your feedback!
We are currently working on introducing multifilter functionality to Live Data dashboards. Follow these post for more info.