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Zippy Feature in Zendesk Guide
Publicado 27 abr 2022
Hi Zendesk team,
I recently started using the Zendesk Guide and it has been great! One feature I am looking for is a "Zippy" feature editing articles in Guide. This will allow opening and close the sections or headings. This will allow users not to scroll too much and read the steps much easier using the Zippy feature when needed. I see some people use HTML to make a zippy in the articles, but for users that like to use the visual feature, I think having a zippy button next to link or table icons would be helpful.
I found a similar post here, but no one replied after a while so I wanted to see if this feature will be implemented in the future.
3 comentarios
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Miki Kanomata,
Thank you very much for this suggestion. You'll be happy to know that we are working on modernizing our article editor and we are expecting a lot of improvements and new features in 2023. One of them is a library of advanced article components (like e.g. the "zippy" feature you are describing) available in WYSIWIG :)
Yvan Lin
Hey Katarzyna Karpinska,
Wanted to check if these new features for the article editor have been implemented.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Yvan Lin,
No, unfortunately we haven't managed to focus on it this year, but we still have it in our plan for 2024.