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Recently Updated Articles Feed.


Publicado 27 oct 2022



It would be great to have a feed that shows the most recently updated articles, especially for our internal users Knowledge Base. This would allow agents that have been off for a couple of days to ensure they've missed no important changes. Has anybody managed to add this custom or would anyone else see any value from this?





2 comentarios

Hi Oliver

This can be easily implemented using some javascript, and Custom Objects. That said, right now there is limitation in custom object:

  • Custom Object doesn't allow anonymous reading
  • Custom Object write/update requests (jquery ajax, or fetch) don't honor current admin/agent session; that is, we are required to pass authorization header -- with username/password or token.

After reading your post, I wrote a quick POC code and it works fine for end-users (signed in users).

I guess, you can easily implement this kind of feed using Firebase or similar systems.

Let me see if I can show something in some days.

Edit: I think, you are looking for an internal page that allows your team to see what are changes; I guess, then it makes whole thing easy; I will share my code in some days.


Thank you

Abdul Qabiz



Is there a code to change the Recent Activity to also include both recently updated articles as well as recently created?



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