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Importing Person Contacts and associating them to a company

Publicado 13 mar 2023

Feature Request Summary: 

When importing people contacts, Zendesk should allow you to associate the newly imported contacts to a company by using the Company's ContactID.

Description/Use Cases: 

As stated above, we should be able to associated Person Contacts to Company Contacts during import using the Company ID. Right now you can use Company Name, however, in situations where the company name is the same, this breaks. We deal a lot of franchises and it's common for them to have the same company name in ZD Sell. 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

We cannot import People Contacts and associate them to businesses.

Other necessary information or resources:




2 comentarios

I am having this same issue.  When I bulk import Person contacts that should fall under companies, it creates a bunch of companies with the same name.  I don't see any options to use the ContactID of the company when importing.


Welcome to the party… you can only associate contacts to specific companies using the Company Name on initial import. You cannot bulk update People contacts to associate them to Company contacts and you cannot add add People Contacts and associate them to a business using the ID, you have to use the exact company name.


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