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Bug - Requiring a Dropdown field is broken
Publicado 02 jun 2023
I have a dropdown field set to "Required to submit a request". However, Zendesk assumes that the default blank value ( - ) is a choice and does not require the user to choose from the actual options I created for the dropdown.
Because Zendesk accepts the default blank value ( - ), this means that a customer can submit the form without having to touch or acknowledge the dropdown field, defeating the purpose of having it as a required field.
Expected behavior:
A "required field" error should be thrown if the dropdown value selection is " - " when submitting the form.
If the default blank value ( - ) is selecting in the settings, then the customer should be required to select one of the custom values created for that dropdown field.
The default blank value ( - ) should not be accepted upon form submission.
5 comentarios
Hi Hannah,
I have tried it on my end and it's behaving as expected. Can you try to add and remove the field on your form? Then, open an incognito window to test again. If the same issue persisted, contact our support directly.
Susie Lemus
Hi! Dane I am having this same issue. Config looks fine, in my case I don't need the ''Required to submit a request'' but when testing this on a bot it still shows the first option instead of BLANK.

Noelle Cheng
Dane Any update on this? I'm having this issue on our web form as well now where an end user can submit a ticket using the webform so long as the email and description is provided. But none of the required fields are being enforced.
Shawna James
Hugo Richard
It sounds like what you’re experiencing is related to how Zendesk currently interprets the default blank (” - “) value as a legitimate selection, even when a field is set to “Required to submit a request.” This can indeed defeat the purpose of having it marked as mandatory if users aren’t forced to choose a specific option.
Here are a couple of recommendations that might help resolve or work around this issue:
1. Change the Default Setting: If possible, try removing the blank (“ - ”) as an option by setting a specific default value in the dropdown menu. This approach forces a selection upon loading, which can prompt users to consider their choice. However, be mindful of two potential drawbacks:
• If the default value doesn’t apply, users might skip changing it, leading to inaccurate submissions.
• If the field isn’t relevant for some users, they could still be forced to choose an option that doesn’t fully align with their needs.
To mitigate these risks, you may want to choose a generic default value that prompts users to select the correct option, such as “Please choose one.”
2. Automated Health Check : To ensure this issue isn’t part of a broader configuration quirk, consider using a health check analyser available on the marketplace. This tools can scan your Zendesk setup for potential issues or misconfigurations that might impact functionality. A tool like this could help identify any other unexpected behaviors with the form or field requirements.