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Form proposes stored data when email is entered


Publicado 18 jul 2023


I've defined various Forms for my customers.

Suppose a customer select Form-1, completes it and send the request.

Afterwards he sends a new request selecting Form-2. When he starts inputting his email address, Zendesk Guide proposes his complete email address, but selecting it Form-2 is replaced by Form-1.

Normally he doesn't realize that Form has been replaced and send his request matched to the incorrect Form. In case he realized, when he selects the correct Form the fields are emptied.

Please how can I avoid that the Form is replaced when customer confirm the proposed email address?

Thank you to anybody can help me (it's quite urgent),




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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Franca,

Zendesk does not have this function. I'm guessing this is a browser-related setting like autofill or autocomplete. It is a browser feature that automatically populates forms with saved data, such as those that ask for shipping or billing information.

Unfortunately, this is not something that we can prevent on Zendesk's end and will need to be disabled in the user's browser settings.

Hope this helps.


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