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Bulk import tickets with attachmnets

Publicado 04 oct 2023

Hi all

Am currently working in a project where I need to bulk import tickets from one Zendesk account into another.

Am using this endpoint to get tickets:


As it is recommended from the docs (https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/ticketing/managing-tickets/using-the-incremental-export-api/#cursor-based-incremental-exports)

Afterwards I do some maping where I search for requesters, assignee and submitters in their new environmnet based on the email from the old environment, then map this to the new userId in their new environment.

Morover, also do some maping related to fields, brand, groups etz.

This all work fine when I then add the tickets array to the endpoint: 

Which is a great endpoint as the customer wants to have the correct ticket metrics for created_at, solved etz.

However, am stuck on the attachmnet part of it, as I do need to upload attachmnet on comments to the new ticketId in the new environmnet. 

What is the best way to solve this?



3 comentarios



We're also interested in doing something like this. Would be great to see what others have done. 


This project was delivered after some time, did manage to solve the attachmnet as well.


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