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adding a hint to the ticket CC field
Publicado 11 ene 2024
Hi all,
We have enabled the CC function for our End-users as the pool of users is restricted for this particular instance. I am trying to figure out how to add a comment/hint below this field for additional guidance. I've seen some code for adding email CC but nothing for the Ticket CC field.
thanks in advance,
2 comentarios
Brandon Tidd
Hey Michael McMeekin -
This should work for you:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Find the CC field by its class or ID. This might change depending on your Zendesk theme.
var ccFieldSelector = '.ticket-ccs';
// Create a new hint element
var hintElement = $('<div class="cc-hint">Add CCs by typing email addresses here, separated by commas.</div>');
// Style your hint element as needed with CSS here or in your stylesheet
'font-size': '12px',
'color': '#666',
'margin-top': '5px',
'line-height': '1.4',
// Append the hint element after the CC field
Stephan Marzi
Hi Michael,
I also managed to get details or fields filled by using the Knots Studio (knots.io). We are adding departure codes or other information like agent name or somethin by parsing it to the ticket field.
For further information do not hesitate in contacting me.
Regards, Stephan