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How do I sign up for the MCE beta program?
Zendesk Product Manager
Publicado 15 mar 2024
There are a few requirements to be part of this beta program::
- You need an account that has the Zendesk Agent Workspace activated.
- You’re interested in sharing some information about the Modernized Conversational Experience (MCE) and how it impacts your agents.
If your account meets these prerequisites, fill out this form to sign up for the beta program. After you sign up and we confirm you are eligible for the beta, we'll notify you via email when MCE is activated in your account!
Sign-ups for this Beta are open and will continue on a rolling basis until further notice.
16 comentarios
Rafael Santos
Hey Amisha Sharma,
If signing-up, could it be made available with config disabled by default, so that we can control its status and respective change management internally?
Otherwise it could lead to disruption for any colleagues using the impacted instances.
Amisha Sharma
Hello Rafael - Unfortunately, that isn't possible to do at the moment. If you sign up, the new experience will be enabled on the entire instance. Thanks!
Hi Amisha !
Unfortunately without this option, we will not take the risk of using this EAP.
I echo the approach Rafael Santos and Serge BERTAINA DUBOIS suggest and was a little surprised how quickly and suddenly it was enabled for me in all environments.
With that said, we have been using it for a little less then 24 hours with no issues. We distributed a virtual one-pager to our users explaining the changes, no real questions or reactions. I am not sure this phase will get us any noticeable efficiency, but enjoy the new look and modern feel.
Amisha Sharma
Hello Serge - We have the option of enabling it on your sandbox account, if you have one. If not, we are sorry to miss you but will keep you updated if anything changes.
Hello Michael - Thanks for the feedback so far. We launched yesterday and activated for all who had signed up, this is great feedback for us for future that it felt sudden. Please do let us know if you encounter any issues.
Hi Amisha,
Sandbox is a good solution ;-)
Amisha Sharma
Glad to know! :)
Please fill this form with your sandbox subdomain. Thanks!
Rafael Santos
Amisha Sharma, we understand it'll be enabled for the entire instance.
I'm just wary of such agent-impacting changes, such as the Redaction Suggestions EAP, which was enabled without notice while having a bug that impacted the agents' experience.
If enabling the feature could have a system-wide setting on Admin Center > Agent Tools > Agent Workspace, we'd be able to test in Sandbox, capture all relevant screenshots and screen recordings for our internal documentation, let the teams know of the change with some time in advance, then happily enable it, too.
Amisha Sharma
Hello Rafael - Absolutely understand. This is a limitation at the moment that we cannot enable to individual agent accounts. We can however enable on your sandbox and that wouldn't impact all agents? Is that something that would work?
Also, as soon as you let me know, I can turn it off.
Rafael Santos
Apologies, but I really believe you haven't, though.
I mean enabling for the entire account, not for individual agents. We want to control when it happens instead of having the update drop randomly during the day.
I love this update. But you have lost the clickthrough option for channels apps again. (That's the direct link to the source SM post below the comment)
Amisha Sharma
Hey Rafael Santos - Noted your feedback. Thanks for sharing, we will work on improving this process.
Hey AntonMi - Are you still experiencing this issue?
Amisha Sharma No, now it's all fine. Thank you!

James Y
Can we revert from the beta if needed?
Danielle Hart
If I want to enable this in our sandbox only, where do I specify that in the beta form? I want to be absolutely sure it does not go into our live environment if I join.
Efrat Barak Zadok
How can I activate it on my Sandbox?