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Dynamic content for Chatbot translation

Publicado 29 may 2024

Our Chatbot's default language is English, and we noticed some translations are not very precise.

Is it possible for us to define some of the translated words, instead of Zendesk Chatbot handling the whole translation through a third party tool? 


For example, we don't want our product name to be translated into weird words, we'd like to keep our product name in English(untranslated) when mentioned in the Chatbot.


Also, we noticed some general words are not nicely translated, especially with traditional Chinese, would it be possible for us to edit dynamic content for the Chatbot translations?



6 comentarios

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Daniel Aron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Annie, the team is actively working on a new feature that should solve this problem. It will enable you to define your own custom translation per bot message and language, and effectively override automatic translations when you're not satisfied. We expect this to be available in July, so stay tuned.  




We face this challenge as well. This translation without a lsit of blocked words, produces very strange outcome, even misleading outcome. For example, our brand is translated and sometimes customers are asking if we are encoraguing them to go somewhere. This can't be like that. Deepl for example has a feature to block translation and to have clear and standard language. 


Hello Daniel Aron ,

Wondering if there's any news or progress with the new feature that improves the Chatbot's translation?

Please do reply this discussion thread when the feature is ready, thank you!


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Daniel Aron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Annie Chen yes I have good news, custom translations is now available. Here's the announcement. Please try it out and provide feedback on how it's working for you and your business.


Thanks Daniel, I've started using the custom translation and it looks great!

Is there any way to adjust the translation for the name of the chatbot answers?


Hi Daniel Aron


I was testing, it is a very nice improvement. 


So far I tested, this doesn't have any impact on generative answer right? So brand names, and other “not desired translated words” still will be translated. Is there any plan to actually  prevent translation of some words in generative replies? A good idea my be to benchmark Deepl, you can set up a list, and trasnlation won't be applied on those words.


Best regards,


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