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Followers on Reopen Ticket Trigger
Publicado 21 oct 2024
We recently had a ticket reopened with the original assignee was out of town, and the response was missed by a few days. However, there were followers on the ticket. While reviewing our trigger actions to better address this, we found that the followers are not an option in any of the trigger actions, specifically email to followers. Can this be added to the triggers for full notification functionality?
4 comentarios
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Craig Bailey - I'm just curious, is the issue that the follower didn't receive the end-user's response that re-opened the ticket, or that you specifically need a follower action in the trigger in order to make some more advanced workflow to check if the assignee is OOO and send a different message?
Craig Bailey
Correct, the followers did not receive any emails, and we did not see any events in the ticket event log that they were emailed.
Our original trigger (probably out of the box 8 years ago) simply sent a notification email to the assignee. But we'd like to ensure that we can get all followers notified.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
I see. I tested earlier and received the a notification when ticket was re-opened. Do you normally receive the follower messages?